The new edition of Ruzafa love Kids arrives in Valencia, full of proposals for families with children

Families with children who live in Valencia are in luck because during the next week you can enjoy with your kids from lots of amazing, creative and fun activities.

The appointment is in the neighborhood of Ruzafa, place that will house dozens of proposals between December three and nine. The initiative was born a year ago by the hand of nANUFACTURE. The organizers have a store dedicated to babies, and also a vision very oriented to parenting with respect and empathy. To organize 'Ruzafa Kids', coffee shops, galleries, schools, stores, shops, or any type of neighborhood space are summoned, to develop activities suitable for children and parents.

You know I think those responsible for the event are very right: Living in cities with children is sometimes very complicated. And on the other hand it is difficult to find suitable activities for children, in which parents do not get bored.

So all the families that arrive next week to Ruzafa, will find games, puppets, parties, concerts, workshops, masks, face paintings, and especially the joy of spending a few hours of fun together.

There are more than 120 activities in 42 different spaces (which demonstrates the success of the call), and materialize thanks to 75 employees. A whole neighborhood dedicated to children, in a week that has a holiday, (and perhaps for many a bridge). An opportunity to relax, enjoy, and get carried away by an offer of the most original.

Video: Valencia (July 2024).