The delicate skin of the baby

We all know the pleasant sensation of caressing a baby's skin. For them it is also special, since their first physical contact with parents is through this organ, the largest in the body.

In addition to being a means of sensory contact with the outside world, the baby's delicate skin performs vital functions how:

  • be the first line of defense against bacteria and toxic agents
  • thermal regulation: keeps the baby's body at the right temperature (perspiration to cool it and “goosebumps” to warm it)
  • serves as an external cover protecting internal organs
  • It is one of the main sensory organs thanks to the thousands of nerve endings it has

Other reasons why the baby's skin is so fragile is its permeability, making it more sensitive to saliva, urine or feces. In addition, it has less defense capacity because the baby's immune system is still developing, and they are more exposed to sunburn because the production of melanin (the pigment that protects us from the sun) is lower. Being responsible for such important factors is that we must provide you with proper care, which can help lay the foundation of healthy skin for the rest of your life.

Some good tips that can help you maintain healthy and prevented skin are:

  • Clean it regularly with a mild soap suitable for baby's skin. Special attention to the folds and keep them always dry.
  • keep it always well hydrated
  • Change the diaper frequently and apply protective cream to reduce rubbing.
  • Dress the baby with soft cloth clothes that do not squeeze or cause chafing. Do not wash your clothes with detergents or strong soaps.
  • protect it from moisture, wind and sun with sun creams with high protection factor.

With good care you can avoid serious skin problems in the future. Remember that the skin has memory and that prevention is better than cure.

Video: How to Know If Baby Has Sensitive Skin. Baby Development (July 2024).