Week 27 of pregnancy: your baby continues to develop

We continue on this exciting journey of pregnancy week by week, and it is the turn of the 27th week of pregnancy. In this way we finish the sixth month and the second trimester will soon give way to the third and last trimester of pregnancy.

The baby at this point is quite large but thin, and he still has a lot to grow in the next two months. He moves with some ease in the mother's womb and is very noticeable with his kicks, increasingly strong. The mother can begin to consider how to face the preparation classes for childbirth, and continue practicing exercise that minimizes the inconvenience of this stage.

Changes in the baby in the 26th week of pregnancy

The baby is quite thin yet, although from now on you will accumulate more fat and gain weight considerably. The length from the crown to the buttocks would be about 24 centimeters (about 36 centimeters in total), and the weight is close to reaching one kilogram.

From this week there are more chances that the baby will survive if born prematurely. But there are 13 weeks left until the end of pregnancy, so it continues to develop.

The alveoli of the lungs still lack a vital substance to stay inflated, so you could not breathe on your own. Not surprisingly, the lungs are the last vital organ that forms in the baby. The liver function is not yet complete, the brain is immature and the immune system would be very weak.

What is not weak is its ability to move and kick. Mothers will notice them more when they are relaxed, especially lying down, or after eating or eating any sugary foods, due to the increase in glucose levels.

Perhaps when the mother is agitated or nervous, she also feels the fetus more: remember that this "baby" of your emotions and affects the adrenaline that circulates through your mother's system. Therefore it is important that the future mother remains relaxed and rested as much as possible.

What is also strong is the heartbeat of. Some people say that it is even possible to hear it through the mother's abdomen, hitting the ear. It's time for dad to try it.

Changes in the mother in the 27th week of pregnancy

In the 27th week of pregnancy The uterus is located about 6.5 centimeters above the navel. These weeks continue to increase progesterone levels, important for the development of the breasts and for the relaxation of the uterine muscles.

The relaxation of the joints and the retention of water can cause some pain, cramps and even a clumsiness that will cause the objects to fall out of our hands more than usual. Luckily, this "side effect" of pregnancy is temporary.

As we have said before, there are some complicated months in which the heaviness and tiredness will be strongly accused, together with anxiety about the closeness of labor, so all previous rest will be welcome. Perhaps some of the discomforts we mentioned in the 26th week of pregnancy are accentuated, one more reason to take care of yourself.

Of course, care and rest are not at odds with a good preparation for childbirth that will help us face the great moment and spend the last months healthier and even rest better at night.

Exercises and childbirth preparation classes

Your midwife or midwife will tell you the best way to prepare for childbirth, the places and methods available. The preparation classes are usually started from the coming weeks, a highly recommended activity, for multiple reasons, to do in the final phase of pregnancy, better if it can be accompanied by the future dad.

It is very enriching for the couple to learn about proper nutrition in pregnancy, childbirth physiology or baby care, and also share the experience with other couples who are in our same situation. At the same time an exercise routine begins that, if you had not yet undertaken, you have to do it as soon as possible.

Staying fit during pregnancy is essential, to be healthy throughout pregnancy, more mentally relaxed, and cope with childbirth with more strength and safety. Together with the childbirth preparation classes that will instruct us on specific exercises, the mother has to perform some physical activity (if there is no medical contraindication), the most appropriate exercises during pregnancy such as swimming, walking, yoga ...

In general, this is what you can expect from the 27th week of pregnancy. We hope you continue to accompany us on our journey through pregnancy week by week. Soon we will return with all the details about the 28th week of pregnancy, entering fully into the expected third trimester.

Next week: 27th week of pregnancy

Video: 27 Weeks Pregnant - Fetal Development & What To Expect (July 2024).