The Circa show at the Circo Price Theater in Madrid from April 11 to May 5 (2013)

This year 2013 the show of Circa at the Circo Price Theater in Madrid It is pure risk and passion. And the seven members that act in the show Wunderkammer They are full of strength and perform an exciting and restless show.

Circa performs a function full of sensitivity although very direct. It is a great cabaret in which the seven artists show their physical, explosive, fun and very sexual appeal. And is that in Circa all artists are part of a complete set that works with a lot of rhythm and harmony.

The seven Artists are Jarred Dewey, Freyja Edney, Scott Grove, Todd Kilby, Melissa Knowles, Alice Muntz, Lewis West and the Artistic direction is from Yaron Lifschitz. One of the most amazing shows is that of Todd Kilby that together with Lewis west They perform a vibrant and risky performance in the Chinese bar.

Circa is a acrobatic proposal in which the physical capacity of the human body is enjoyed for 85 intense minutes. This is a show in which four boys and three girls squander strength, balance, skill and play with the stage, completely empty, in which they perform precisely.

Circa will be in the Circus Price Theater in Madrid until May 5 and it is advisable to check the page of the Circus Price Theater for more information, schedules, prices and especially discounts.

This year 2013 I think that children can enjoy the show very much in which all the artists participate with a lot of physical presence and a lot of role exchange. In 2013 the boys walk on the girls, the girls walk on the boys, the boys throw the girls and the girls throw the boys. It is a very funny game that I loved because it seemed that they laughed at themselves in a very healthy way although yes, the strength and synchronization of the numbers demanded an absolute concentration.

There is no live music although the artists use a powerful soundtrack during his performance. In addition there are three numbers with performances performed by the artists themselves. One of them is carried out by Todd Kilby who, armed only with his guitar, sings Heroes by David Bowie while three companions demonstrate, with humor, delicacy and strength, how to wear a shirt while balancing and human towers. Another one of the performances that impressed me was that of Lewis West that while his companions filled the stage of acrobatics, he dedicated himself to reciting the names of the countries of the whole world! (I don't know if he forgot any of them, although I don't think so).

I loved this year 2013 Circa. I was moved by his speed, his strength, his illusion although above all I He really liked the ability of artists to take risks and achieve their dream. Seeing his biography you can see how his dedication to his profession is total and his passion for achieving his desire is irrepressible.

This is a video that collects fragments of the performance in New York of this same show called Wunderkammer:

Video: London and Paris Vacation - Traveling Robert (July 2024).