There is no information on the safety of ibuprofen and paracetamol co-administered to lower fever

Last year was published in Evidence in Pediatrics, the assessment of a study that reviews the practices of several hospitals to reduce fever.

The objective is determine the efficacy of ibuprofen and paracetamol, administered in combination, compared to the administration of only one of them to reduce fever and improve the general condition of the child. The practice extended in recent years of using them together or alternately, is given by the concern of families to see their sick child. But there are no studies that show that this is better than giving a single antidermal, without the possibility that undesirable side effects occur (more damage than benefit).

In this study, the practices of several hospitals to reduce fever are reviewed. They analyze whether giving ibuprofen and paracetamol has a beneficial effect in reducing fever or improving the child's condition. They also analyze whether harmful effects occur

Although it has not been described that the patients had adverse effects, it is known that either of these two antipyretic agents is safe if used individually, but there is no information about your security if they are administered at the same time; practice that - in addition - can lead to errors in the dose the child receives.

That is, when faced with a child with a fever, if it is considered that it is necessary to give him an antithermal, one of them should be given, not both.

Recall that the function of antipyretic agents is to treat a symptom that alone does not cause harm (as we read here), and which can also be our ally for infection control.

Currently the fever is a reason for very frequent consultation both in Primary Care and in Hospital Emergencies generating, on many occasions, anxiety in parents. Therefore, and taking into account that unless the cause of the fever is really dangerous (for example the bacteria that causes meningitis); or in certain cases that are also cited in the mentioned article, it is worth remembering that - in reality - it is the defensive response of the organism, therefore it would not make much sense to inhibit it.

Video: How Do Drugs Work: Paracetamol and Ibuprofen (July 2024).