When the birth is imminent

I usually visit not daily, but very often, the blog I will be a father with whom I have a lot of fun.

It is a compilation of notes written in a very pleasant way by a "father about to be" since the test announced that he was pregnant, going through the choice of name, medical checks, room decoration, shopping for the baby ...

The last post is very good, it is a whirlwind of feelings and circumstances upon learning that in just three days he will become a dad, that is, thanks to the scheduled caesarean section, he will live his first Father's day with Diego.

For parents who have had scheduled births it is very strange to have an accurate date and know that there are “x” days left for the big day. Knowing that childbirth has an established (imminent) day produces a hurricane of emotions.

In that period we make all kinds of films about childbirth, baby's room, clothes, sanatorium, fears, saying goodbye, we ask ourselves thousands of questions, will everything go well? ... and it comes to mind an eternal list of things to do before birth. Come on, symptoms of the famous nest syndrome.

Although it is not the most natural thing to say, the scheduled delivery has its advantages, we cannot deny it.

Being cautious, allows us to have things fairly organized to receive the baby, while in deliveries that come without warning there is no time for anything, or to eat your head with stories.

Greetings from here to the author of I will be a father. Good luck!

Official site | I will be a father In Babies and more | Diary of my pregnancy: last three days pregnant

Video: How to recognize the signs of labor - Early labor signs (July 2024).