Will our son be a happy child?

Experts say that childhood is the happiest stage of life; however there are many realities that make children unhappy.

Children, in principle you are more predisposed to happiness than adults. Happiness is not innate. It is composed, according to Martin Seligman, father of positive psychology, of three factors: biological predisposition (genes induce us between 25% and 50% to be optimistic or pessimistic), vital circumstances and control of the will.

Getting a child to be happy is not a task that requires great efforts; The main ingredients is to make them feel loved and necessary, enhancing their abilities, their personality and not their shortcomings, in a safe, comfortable and disciplined environment.

On the other hand, not everything should be rosy. They have to learn that in order to get things you have to work hard, teaching them to overcome adversity successfully is a formula to increase their self-esteem. Friends and games are free ingredients to help them grow and be happy.

Parents often ask ourselves the question: Will our son be happy? Up to two years A smiling baby, who is active, explores his environment and is in good health, is a happy baby. At this age, strangers fear him and he does not want to separate from his parents. You need attachment figures that provide security and well-being. Between two and six years A child who is happy at this age, laughs often, is curious about his environment, wants to communicate and interact and has the ability to self-control. You need love, but also limits. From six to twelve years old He has a more elaborate idea of ​​himself and his environment. He likes to have fun and learn, feel respected, loved and heard. A happy child knows how to tolerate frustrations, has high self-esteem, has no behavioral problems, goes well in class and likes to have friends.

Video: Danish Way of Parenting. How to Raise Smart and Happy Children - #7 (July 2024).