Goldie Blox designs toys for girls of the future to be engineers

Debbie Sterling She is the founder and maximum responsible for Goldie Blox a company that proposes a new toy concept for girls. Why Goldie Blox puts the focus on getting engineers in the future are not mostly men, at least in the United States, and incorporate more girls with these skills in which mathematics, abstract thinking and problem solving prevail. Goldie Blox presents her toys for girls in between 4 and 9 years old in which you can find a book of games or instructions (Storybook), figures like Nacho (a dog), Benjamin Cranklin (a cat), Katinka (a dolphin), Phil (a lazy man) and Flavio (a bear) and pieces to build: a board, wheels, axles, blocks, cranks, a tape and washers.

In Peques and Más a year ago we talked about Roominate, a similar idea that encouraged girls to work on love and passion for technology since they were little. The option of Roominate It is similar to others such as Lego Friends that, although they continue to focus on pink or purple, really encourage girls to develop more skills than they already have, such as the ability of girls to manage emotions.

The video below, with more than seven million views, it develops that concept very well though, and by reviewing the reviews of the buyers of the Goldie Blox games, it seems that the execution of the toy is not so bright. Apparently it includes serious limitations such as the few possibilities of the game, which basically consists of spinning a wheel tied to a belt with a velcro, the time that can be devoted to entertainment, the finishing of the pieces and the price, 29.95 dollars (approximately 25 euros) on Amazon.

The video is spectacular and recreates how three girls get bored watching the ads of princess-based toys and are encouraged to build a Rube Goldberg machine throughout the house and the surrounding area by building an imaginative, creative and encouraging advertisement for girls to play and realize infinite possibilities.

Goldie Blox It is a project that started in Kickstarter a year ago and doubled the estimated initial income needed. Debbie Sterling's goal is to develop a series of toys and encourage girls to build new ways to play.

I'm sure that Goldie Blox It can be a good line of games and many manufacturers will already be seeing what the future trends are for this demand for new engineers.

Video: GoldieBlox and the Parade Float Future Girl Engineers Building Toys Girl Legos and Goldie Blox Book (July 2024).