The Monster High movie is released: monstrous fusion on DVD for the whole family

From October 24 the last adventure of the monster High call Monstrous fusion. It is an exciting and fun story in which the Monster High group will discover the ancient workshop of a scientist from which they will travel back in time 200 years ago and learn how their first day was. The problem arises when trying to return home a vortex will merge eight of them into four new monsters with double personality. During the centennial bite, friendly monsters must learn to control your defects Y teamwork for rescue Frankie and save the school from a terrible experiment.

We remember that monster High They are Mattel's famous dolls that represent teenage daughters of horror legend classics, and that have aroused passions among millions of girls around the world for a few years.

In the trip to the past the Monster High meet Sparky, a skeletal teenager obsessed with creating life. Although when Sparky follows her new friends through the time portal, she seems to achieve her goals and with unexpected results: terrifying hybrid monsters.

I found the movie at 14.99 euros at Amazon and ensure a fun time at home with family or friends with a fancy dress party or monstrous snack, that we put the parents.

The DVD version includes the English version in addition to Spanish and other languages Also has Spanish subtitles. It lasts approximately 67 minutes. This is the image of the DVD:

Monster High: Monster Fusion DVD

Today in Amazon for € 6.99

Video: Monster High: Scaremester Collection 2014 (July 2024).