Breastfeed while you work

If you have to return to your job, you can do it perfectly and at all you have to give up breastfeeding if you do not want it, moreover, work should not be an impediment for your baby to continue taking the precious and beneficial breast milk. In fact, our country's legislation and European legislation protect this right so beneficial for the baby, breastfeed even if you work.

There is also the option of extracting and preserving breast milk without any problem and for a family member to give the bottle to the baby, by this we mean that your child's feeding is more important than work and that it should not serve as an excuse to abandon the so beneficial breastfeeding. You have to think about the baby and get rid of prejudices by solving the possible obstacles that may arise by making us make the drastic decision not to continue breastfeeding the child.

There are many options to be able to maintain breastfeeding while working, although everything will depend on working hours, the age of the baby or the flexibility of the workday. For example, if your child is already more than six months old, in addition to breast milk they can be given other types of food, which makes it easier for you while you are absent, family members can feed him quietly. If you have less than six months and still want to breastfeed, it will depend on the time you have to go to your house and breastfeed or, failing that, a family member will bring the child to the place where you work to be able to give the shot, but Everything will always depend on time and site.

Some mothers organize weeks before returning to work, for example preparing a small milk store. Small amounts of milk are extracted and frozen to serve as food and administered by someone while they are working.

Spanish legislation grants a maternity leave of 16 weeks after delivery, but then there is a concession for 9 months in which you are entitled to one hour of breastfeeding, which implies a reduction in your workday by one hour. In addition, if you wish, you also have the right to a leave with reserve of the job for one year if you can afford it and want to be with your child during the first year.

It is important to maintain breastfeeding, it means a lot to the child, since it protects him much more against diseases, helps his proper development, etc., the entrepreneur must be aware of the importance of this fact and must not present any kind of lock, think that the law is on your side and that possibly, this time of maternity leave is extended in a short space of time.

Video: Breastfeeding tips for working moms + Boosting milk supply secret weapon! (July 2024).