14 things our parents did with us that are not well seen now

Times have changed, and much, because decades ago one educated his children a little as he knew or could and, more or less, authoritarianism was a fairly widespread style, so the differences in this regard, between parents, were not so many . Now we put many things in doubt, we seek to educate in another way, things that were previously done are no longer good, we have social networks, where we constantly read opinions of many people and where debates are constantly generated and we even find dozens of books in the bookcase shelves that They tell us how and how not to educate our children (We even have blogs!).

All this has made the parents now work quite differently than ours did. Up to what point? Well, to the point that if we did the same now we could get into some trouble. Surely if you stop to think a few of those things will come out, but if you want to read the ones we have found, don't stop here, keep reading, because then we leave you with 14 things our parents did with us that are not well seen now.

Let the children go alone on the street

"Mom, I'm going to the street!" We said. And so loud, mom and us, because we went down to play, run, to the park, to the ball, to whatever it was, and we went back for a snack or dinner. If even we went to school alone. Now you say that and mom runs to the door, locks the key, pulls the key away and says "But where are you going !?". That now he goes to the street with mom and / or dad, and at most with another child who is accompanied by his mother or father. But alone? No, not alone, that there are a thousand dangers lurking.

Smoking pregnant and in front of children

It was the most normal thing in the world. If the woman smoked, she became pregnant and did it in front of the children if she felt like it. And nobody said anything because it was common. So usual it was that I know a pediatrician who always explains that 20-25 years ago, when he worked in the hospital, the mothers and their children went to explain that the child drowned and the pediatrician received them in the emergency room with a cigar in his hand : "We took a drag, we left it in the ashtray and we were going to value the children." Now this is unthinkable, as it is known to be very harmful for babies.

Wet the pacifier with various substances

That the child complains? Nothing small, you put the pacifier in honey, sugar, condensed milk or whatever comes to mind that is very sweet and neat. What hurts something? Well, you dip it in whiskey or cognac and after a while you don't complain so much. They did it, and not only that, even now some mothers and grandmothers still suggest it to us, that let's put the pacifier I don't know where to solve I don't know what.

Put the baby to sleep on his stomach

It was a time when professionals considered that it was safer for babies to sleep on their stomachs, so if a little milk came, if they were going to regurgitate, it would be better that way. And we all slept on our stomachs, and many, our mothers explain, slept better in that posture. Now we know, for a long time, that Ideally, sleep on your back, with your head tilted, thus preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Sleep with the baby

That you accustom it, that it becomes dependent, that then it has vices, that it will turn you 13 years old and it will not want to leave your bed, that they become spoiled, that… all these things that are said now and that by then nobody commented. Now you go to the pediatrician and ask you where the baby sleeps. At that time he was leaving only when the child was sick (or very sick) and getting vaccinations, so they cared for a milk where the baby slept. Everyone in his house did what he wanted and many of us ended up sleeping in our parents' bed. Now he criticizes a lot, for everything I've said. However, as people hide less and less, and as it has proven beneficial, colecho is becoming more common.

Take children in the car without seats or belts

It was that there was no belt, nor did we have chairs. We got into the back seat and sometimes we went 3 or 4 children with 3 or 4 younger children sitting on top. Come on, that among children, cousins ​​and friends we had just entered a 5 or 10 seater car in total. And when we were officially allowed, we lay down, we stuck to the front seat, we sat with one arm in each of the seats to see better, etc.

Hit them

They chased us with the shoe, or gave us a colleja, or in the ass and "strip pa'casa!". Those who had more luck, because those who had more severe parents ended up with belt marks and punished almost for life. Now fortunately those times are behind and, in the same way that violence against women is rejected, we are close to completely rejecting child violence. And I say luck because we have known for a long time that hitting children is a negative practice for them (neither is it necessary to study ... we all know that violence is not an adequate way to solve things).

Let them cry so that their lungs widen

That nothing happens, that you do not take it, that it is good that they cry, that their lungs widen, that it is bad that you take them in their arms because then they do not want to be alone, that they are teasing you, that you are raised the beards, who know Latin ... are all phrases that can still be heard in what circles because that is how we were raised, detached, crying, it was not that we felt a little affection and we were no longer independent and capable people. Now we know that the lungs was silly and, luckily, we know that what really benefits babies is not to cry, but our arms.

Let them go by bicycle and skates without a helmet

And if you hurry me, without elbow pads and without knee pads. That children go out to play that look like Robocop. Okay, yes, we went with knees completely bruised, we fell and we hurt ourselves on top of the previous wounds. But we had all the mobility preserved because we weren't hypermegaprotected. What about the helmet? Yes, the helmet thing is worth it, that blows to the head can be very dangerous.

Give them artificial milk

How times change, huh? We all drank artificial milk because it was the best and now it turns out that it is no longer considered the best. That before it was normal to see babies with the bottle everywhere and now there are those who even look at you if they see you with one in your hand and a small baby. It was a shame about the past and it is a shame about now, because in the end, it seems that whatever you do there is always someone who seems wrong.

Let them do their homework alone

"It shows a lot which are the children whose parents do not help them to do homework," I heard from the mouth of a teacher. That you tell him that when you were a child you did your homework alone, that nobody helped you and that way you would wake up to do them well (or badly) and they tell you no, that that is no longer done that way and that they already put them thinking that you are going to be there helping and supporting ... well, I don't know, because many times I just made them! (how difficult they are).

Tell the teacher that, if necessary, he would hit us

And is that many teachers beat. And one threw chalks, and the other threw the eraser, and another ... there were always legends about them and of course, we came to tormented class, so much that we feared and behaved. Even our parents participated in the torture, with the warning that if necessary, they would beat us. Is a good learning climate one in which the child goes to school scared in case the teacher hits him? I would say no, so, luckily, this is no longer done, and the transmission of values, knowledge and earning the respect of your students goes another way.

Put a cigar in their mouths

Just kidding, seriously, or I don't know how, but this was very funny then and now you can look for a problem. Moreover, if I don't smoke now, it's because one day I told my father that I wanted to smoke. He must have been 7 or 8 years old, and one who was around nearby, smoker, put a cigar in my mouth, lit it and told me to take a breath as hard as you can. By then I would have killed him, because I felt like dying. Now I'm glad I didn't smoke but, Was there no other way to show it to me? It would have been enough with my father to tell me how bad it is to smoke (neither he nor my mother have ever smoked).

Take them to the beach without sunscreen

Who in his right mind would think of doing something like that? To my mother. He didn't buy us cream. In fact, I learned that it existed almost in my teens. Every summer we burned hopelessly. It was a tradition: the first day we went to the beach or the pool, we burned and the next day we did not go, being in the process of "healing." Then on the third day we went for another little while ... I remember how bad we slept, that there was no position in which something didn't hurt. Now it is unthinkable, luckily.

Can you think of anything else? Do not forget to tell it, which is very curious and largely fun to do the exercise of remembering everything they did to us and we don't do it anymore, now that we are parents.

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In Babies and more | This has been done a lifetime and nothing has happened to us (I) and (II), Raising children as our parents raised us, "We must lower our parents from the pedestal." Interview with psychologist Ramón Soler

Video: My Parents Couldn't Take Care Of Me Anymore (July 2024).