Are photos of newborns taking a bottle suitable?

Leafing through a famous gossip magazine this weekend I found an image that I can't deny has caught my attention. Maybe to some of you too, that's why I want to bring to debate an issue that we would have to reflect on, about if it's okay to teach newborns taking the bottle.

A few days ago Armando told us about the contradiction between promoting breastfeeding as the best for the baby and the mother, and on the other hand giving away free samples of formula milk in the maternity hospitals.

I also see a lot of contradiction in some media, such as some magazines in which we see brand-new, happy parents in their wonderful home giving the bottle to a newborn baby as if it were the most normal and glamorous thing in the world.

I will not give names because I do not intend to criticize anyone in particular, but to reflect on the subject.

There are children who take the bibe as soon as they are born because the mother cannot or does not want to breastfeed, it is an undeniable reality. I do not know what the motive of this mother will be in particular, but in any case I do not see fit to teach a baby a few days taking the bottle. Come on, there is no need. Mind you, you might also drink breast milk in a bottle, but the message is confusing anyway.

I do not say that instead put it to the chest if it really does not breastfeed (I have also seen very nice presentation report with the baby taking the tit), but avoid the photo of a baby of just days taking the bibe that I think that It can create confusion in future moms who read the magazine.

Video: The Best Positions for Bottle Feeding Your Baby. Parents (July 2024).