The best posts on child health of 2015

We continue with our compilation for the Best of 2015 in which we are offering you the most outstanding content that we have published during this year that ends.

This time, the turn is for the best posts about children's health, a category with great prominence in recent months, because news such as childhood vaccines occupied quite a lot today. If you missed them in your day, here are the best posts about children's health.

The 11 best tips for newborn care: hair, nails, bath, creams and more

Arriving home with the newborn generates many doubts to the parents. In the hospital there was not much to do because the baby slept almost at all hours, and at most he did a quick wash because of the fact that the cord has not yet fallen, so when seeing you alone with the baby the first ones appear questions. We group here the best tips for the first care of the newborn.

If boys' penis is better not to touch it, what to do when girls have minor lip synechia?

The synechia of the labia minora (the labia minora stick together), which happens to some girls when they are small and that is often solved in the consultation. If they are small they do not usually complain too much, but if they are older they suffer and cry and some try to avoid in later visits that nobody looks at or touches their vulva. So here the question is: Should we solve the synechia as soon as they are seen? Is it better for the surgeon to solve it? Can you choose to do nothing?

When, how and why (or not) to cut the baby's hair

Actually, it doesn't have much mystery, it's just hair that can be cut whenever you want. However, there are people who do it to make it stronger, or people who simply never cut it. In case you are wondering when to give your baby the first haircut today we are going to talk about when, how and why to cut the baby's hair (or why not do it).

Apgar test of the newborn: what it is, when it is done and what it is for

When a baby is born, health professionals make several assessments to know that everything is fine and that it does not require special attention for a problem during pregnancy or childbirth. One of the tools they use to make a quick diagnosis of possible problems is Apgar scale or test.

In this post we count what it really is, when it is done and how they do it.

A warning to all mothers: do not let the pediatrician lower the skin of the penis to the baby to cure his phimosis

The phimosis operation: when it is recommended and what it consists of

Phimosis is a very common condition in children that worries parents a lot because most babies have it (physiological phimosis), because it takes a long time to resolve itself and because many professionals are in a hurry to solve it and indicate the retraction of the skin from a very young age (at the risk of injury) or the phimosis operation to solve it.

Like putting the child in the operating room and having their parts touched, it is quite scary (both the child and the parents), we will tell you today in what is the phimosis operation and when do you recommend it?.

Umbilical hernia in the baby: everything you need to know

It is common that after the umbilical cord falls, once it is dry, parents realize that their baby has a belly button lump that becomes more evident when crying or strenght. That lump is a hernia, part of the baby's intestinal wall that sneaks out generating that strange "button" that worries parents so much.

Why it happens? It is dangerous? Should we operate? We will try to answer these and other questions in order for parents to have all the information about it, so today we talk about umbilical hernia in the baby: everything you need to know.

A 15-day-old baby dies from pertussis, a disease that should be eradicated

Whooping cough is a disease of the past that has been controlled with the arrival of the vaccine (in Spain in 1965) and that today should be eradicated, but unfortunately it sounds again in recent years.

It seems incredible that in 2015 news such as the death of a 15-day-old baby due to pertussis, a very contagious disease whose cases have increased significantly in recent years. A child was admitted on October 16 at the Maternal and Child Hospital of Malaga and died four days later due to the complications caused by the disease. The baby was not yet vaccinated, since the first dose is given at two months of life.

Parents who do not trust medicine and pay it dearly

What is better, blindly trusting medicine to treat our children's ailments or trusting in the wise nature, our power of self-healing and the use of alternative therapies? Well, I don't know, maybe we have to find among all the middle terms one in which we trust in medicine, but without abusing, moving away from "medicate everything" and "medicate nothing".

And it is that in recent years many families who have not trusted medicine have ended up paying it dearly, such as the parents of an 18-month-old girl, who saw her little girl dying from an otitis that resulted in meningitis, for deciding to treat her with homeopathy and herbal therapies instead of antibiotics.

How is it possible that diphtheria has returned in children to Spain after 28 years

After 28 years without any registered caseIn June, a 6-year-old boy became ill from a diphtheria infection. The last case that occurred in the country is from 1987. How is it possible that diphtheria has returned to Spain after 28 years?

This is how the anti-vaccines are reacting to the case of diphtheria in Olot's child: asking you not to vaccinate

Unfortunately, the 6-year-old boy admitted for diphtheria died days later. He was not vaccinated because his parents felt that the best option for him and his sister was not to do so. That is, they were part of those parents who are colloquially referred to as "anti-vaccines."

The reaction of this case of diphtheria, after almost 30 years without any case in the country, it has been immense in all media and in pediatric and health societies, trying to offer information and raise awareness of how important it is for our children to be vaccinated And what do the anti-vaccine groups say?

Diphtheria: what is it, how is it spread, how is it treated?

We have put our hands to the head when we know the case of the 6-year-old boy from Olot infected with diphtheria, a disease that we thought was forgotten and that we hardly know how to pronounce.

It is known to be a serious respiratory disease, but we will learn more about diphtheria: what it is, how it is spread and how it is cured.

Does the triple viral vaccine cause autism? A study of children with siblings with and without autism responds

One of the problems that most concern parents who do not vaccinate and that was the cause of the anti-vaccine movement to grow exponentially was the Wakefield case, the false study in which the triple viral vaccine (measles, rubella and mumps) was linked ) with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Years later it was shown that everything was an invention of Wakefield.

But the belief still stands. In this post we present a study made with children without ASD with siblings without ASD, children without ASD with older siblings with ASD and children with ASD with siblings with ASD, vaccinated and unvaccinated from the viral triple, that answers the question.

Video: Mom posts graphic photos of toddler bites from daycare (July 2024).