Almost half of children regularly breathe air contaminated with tobacco smoke

A few days ago - and on the occasion of the World Day against tobacco - we told you that more than one million young Spaniards smoke daily. Tobacco kills up to half of its consumers. It is estimated that from 2030 the consumption of tobacco will cause the death of more than 8 million people each year, and four out of five of these deaths will be registered in low and middle income countries.

But we know that tobacco also hurts by the influence of 'second' and 'third' hand smoke, and that children may suffer respiratory diseases or high blood pressure, in addition to being exposed to the toxic components of cigarettes.

According to WHO information, almost half of children regularly breathe air contaminated with tobacco smoke, and more than 40% of children have at least one parent who smokes. In 2004, almost a third of the deaths attributable to secondary smoking corresponded to children. It is estimated that exposure to ambient smoke kills another 600,000 people each year. The majority of adults who smoke began to do so before the age of 20. To attract new smokers, the propaganda machinery of the fixed industry ceaselessly looks at young people, especially young women.

Tobacco use is an important risk factor for noncommunicable diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, saccharin diabetes and chronic respiratory conditions. Globally, noncommunicable diseases cause 63% of mortality

The World Health Organization will now urge countries to consider the fight against the interference of the tobacco industry as the central axis of its efforts to control the global smoking epidemic.

And it is that (with the objective of protecting citizens) countries should not grant incentives, privileges or benefits to the tobacco industry, such as subsidies or tax exemptions, and they should propose erecting retaining walls against industry interference In public health.

Video: SMOKING KILLS PSA By Chandrashekar Pettla (July 2024).