The beautiful (and hilarious) photo shoot of a man shortly after becoming a father

We are very used to seeing pregnancy photo sessions, with the bellies decorated for the occasion and seeing the father, when he appears, hugging the mother and at the same time to his abdomen, where your baby will be, with a logical and obvious secondary role.

And it is that the physicist of men changes little when they expect a child, and little changes when he is born: but that does not mean that from time to time there is someone who wants to do the same as women, and that is why we bring you here the beautiful (and hilarious) photo shoot of a man soon to be a father.

But is this serious?

No, although I am sure that until this point you will have hallucinated the same as I did when I saw the photos. I felt a mixture of other people's shame and sympathy for the protagonist, and I wanted to know more through the author of the photos, Martyn Wilkes (whose Facebook page is Martyn Wilkes Photography), who explained that what I was looking for was to show her work with pregnant women in a different and striking way, with a contrast between beauty and a slightly less ... "typical" model.

And come on if he got it, as much as the photos of Paco, the one who poses, they have been shared more than eleven thousand times.

And what does Paco do then with his belly painted with the name "Noelia"?

Paco has two daughters, Virgina and Natalia, and both he and his wife wanted to call their second Noelia. The day Paco had to go to the register, celebrating the arrival of his second daughter, he ate and drank some more of the bill and instead of writing Noelia, put Natalia.

When Martyn he explained the idea he had no qualms about accepting and saw it as an opportunity to finally be to Noelia's father, or that it was through photos and imagination.

So from here we can only congratulate Martyn Wilkes and his model Paco for the beautiful session achieved and for the sense of humor necessary to carry out this funny project.

We only hope that Facebook does not censor your photos because in more than one you see the nipple!

Video: Funniest Daddy Takes Care of Baby - Cute Baby Video (July 2024).