Declaration on the crying of babies

A few months ago, through the Early Childhood mailing list, I learned that a group of mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandparents, health and education professionals, worried about the methods that behaviorism proposes to crying babies They have thought it necessary to express themselves through a Declaration.

Mothers and fathers, although we have been educated in the belief that 'it is normal for children to cry' and that 'we must let them cry to get used to', and therefore we are especially numb so that their crying does not affect us, Sometimes we are not able to tolerate it. Naturally, if we are a little close to them, we feel their suffering and we feel it as our own suffering. Our guts are stirred and we cannot indulge their pain”.

The Declaration on the crying of babies It has a large number of accessions by scientists, professionals from different fields, families, groups and organizations. However, the text was not without controversies. The Primal Association, a Spanish entity with a long history in the study of childhood, primary therapy and family constellations, has decided to stay out of the postulates, considering that “it is clear that the statement implicitly denies that it is normal for babies to cry and therefore pushes parents to take actions to suppress the crying of the baby”.

If you want to know the full text of the Declaration on the Weeping of Babies you can enter the official website.

Video: Prayer For Baby. Powerful Prayers For a Baby (June 2024).