Is a bikini not appropriate for a recent mother? You are asked to wear a swimsuit because it offends men in the pool

It is evident that there are some unwritten rules that limit us to women in our tastes and our behaviors when we have been mothers and when we have reached an age, and in summer it seems that there are people who insist on offending too easily and "to worry" in excess for the lives of others. In summer there may be too many boring people. And what happens happens.

One of those people, he took "the nuisance" to approach a woman in the pool to ask her to wear a swimsuit because in a bikini his body as a recent mother offended the men who were there. Yes, with all the letters.

The answer was obviously up to par and it has gone viral because she is not the only woman who is pressed for her appearance and many of the women who have read her have felt very identified with Lexi.

Lexi Sinclair has been a mother four months ago and a few weeks ago she wanted to spend the day in the pool with her baby. While the two were there, a woman approached her, a stranger who initially told her about her son, about the baby's age, about what he slept on.

The 50-year-old lady, as Lexi could see, approached by becoming kind to the recent mother and then leaving her completely out of place with her request or suggestion.

The perfect stranger told Lexi that the men who were in the pool, around, in their towels and in their lives, would be more comfortable if she, Lexi, put on a swimsuit instead of the bikini she had chosen to spend the day with Your son in the pool.

And why that concern? Because, according to this "kind lady," a bikini is not appropriate for a mother who is "still recovering."

No, it is not that this indiscreet swimmer was concerned that Lexi had points in her episiotomy or in her caesarean section or was ill or had any discomfort, no. The swimmer gossip when talking about the body of the recent mother is recovering, refers to michelines, flaccidity and stretch marks and having them in sight, it is seen that he offended her in excess.

Lexi was completely dismayed by the comment and even, a little embarrassed, after all the unwritten rules are clearly there because they work, because they really restrict and constrain the behavior of many women, of many mothers. Lexi relieved her Facebook and told her what she would have loved to say to the nasty individual:

"I am proud of my body. In just one year I have lost 17 kilos. I have fathered a human being and given birth to a precious miracle. So no, my body may not be the best sight that other men want to see. My stretch marks and my abdomen may not be attractive, but they are proof that I have done something incredible. "

Age and motherhood make us invisible

Does a recent mother have to dress not as she wants but not to offend the rest of society? If that is true, we live in a society that does not respect us as recent mothers, mothers, women. And when women have reached a certain age, the thing is even more evident.

It is small details that mark the change. If you have turned forty you are likely to start finding articles in which you are kindly explained what is the haircut that makes you younger, what is the length of the skirt that you should wear, what is the height of the heel that already It is better not to use because you are a mother and because you have turned forty.

At the time of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, women dressed each time with less color in their clothes when they were turning years until black entered their closets to meet the mourning that marked those unwritten rules.

We have evolved yes, but still we continue to tolerate and assume norms that limit and condition us, norms that we don't know who or why they have been formulated but that we continue to obey in a way that is perhaps too submissive.

Anyone who is offended by a recent mother with her stretch marks in the air because she has put on a bikini should think that the problem is most likely the eyes of the beholder, the eyes that are offended because they are full of an intolerance that does not Let us be free to any.

Video: Is This Bathing Suit 'Inappropriate'? (July 2024).