Mandatory breastfeeding rooms in all US airports: the new law passed by the Senate

Every day there are more testimonies and initiatives to continue supporting and helping to normalize breastfeeding in public. However, in question it is spaces for breastfeeding mothers, there are still many places where areas are needed so that they can continue breastfeeding without interruptions or inconveniences.

Thanks to a new law passed by the US Senate, all major airports in the United States must have lactation rooms, as well as changing tables in all bathrooms (yes, in men's too).

The law was proposed by Senator Tammy Duckworth, who was the first senator of this legislature to have a baby and seeks to support families when traveling. His proposal was approved unanimously by the Senate, as part of a new law called "Friendly Airports for Mothers (FAM) Act"(mother friendly airports).

With this law, all large and medium airports are required to have lactation rooms, in order to ensure that moms and babies have a clean, safe and pleasant space in which they can continue breastfeeding.

In Babies and more, what the ideal breastfeeding room should be like

In an interview for CBS a few months ago, the senator talked about the difficulties that nursing mothers could encounter when traveling:

"I went to the airports, and I had to use the public restroom, and I thought that was unpleasant. You wouldn't eat a sandwich there, what makes me think that I should breastfeed my baby or express milk there?"

In addition to the creation of nursing rooms in all airports, the new law It also includes the mandatory installation of baby changing tables in all bathrooms, including men's bathrooms, something that has been claimed on more than one occasion by parents who have had to manage to change the diaper of their babies, in the absence of an appropriate place to do so.

Congratulations on American families and mothers, hopefully this law is not limited to airports alone and other countries will soon begin to replicate the idea and offer spaces that are friendly to families that have babies and young children.

Video: Bill requiring baby-changing facilities in men's restrooms advances to Senate (June 2024).