More famous mothers supporting breastfeeding: Paulina Rubio and Floppy Tesouro

Promoting breastfeeding is an action that belongs to all of us, explaining its benefits for the baby and for the mother, is something positive and also necessary.

For many these explanations are left over and prefer the graphic example of known people. For them today we bring two examples of two well-known women, especially in Latin America, two recent moms who these days have decided to openly show their support for breastfeeding by practicing it.

Paulina and Floppy, they show on their Instagram that breastfeeding is a good thing for everyone, even for the big stars.

Paulina Rubio It is well known to all on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, its music plays for years in the collective memory.

Only a few weeks ago it was news again and not for releasing a new album, but for showing how he fed his baby, his recent second son, Eros appeared breastfeeding with his mother in one of the last photos that the singer has uploaded to Instagram.

Taking into account that according to UNICEF, breastfeeding in Mexico is among the lowest in Latin America and they practice it during the first six months, only 14.4% of mothers, that a diva like Paulina Rubio publish this photo, sure that It encourages many mothers to start or maintain the breastfeeding of their children. And that's very good.

My biggest gift, being a MOTHER. My biggest pride, being MEXICAN. #HappyFriday #HappyFriday

A photo posted by Paulina Rubio (@paurubio) on Sep 2, 2016 at 10:46 PDT

But as we said, she has not been the only recent mother who has wanted to show graphically on her social networks, which is an advocate for breastfeeding.

Floppy Tesouro She is a well-known model, actress and regulator of television programs in Latin America and a few days ago she was the mother of a baby she and her partner have called Moorea.

Within a few hours of being a mother for the first time, I uploaded this photo to her Instagram in which she showed that she was breastfeeding with her newborn.

So we are, I'm dying of love with my princess #Lactation

A photo posted by Floppy Tesouro (@floppytesouro) on Sep 8, 2016 at 12:25 p.m. PDT

Perhaps with more examples such as these two women, breastfeeding becomes a more widespread practice than it is today in some countries because the benefits for the baby who is breastfed are no longer questioned, they are undeniable For some doctors we could be talking about breast milk being nothing less than the first vaccine we give our babies.

It is true that they are not the only ones who have shown their support for this feeding for babies, a few months ago it was also actress Salma Hayeck who used her profile on Instagram to encourage breastfeeding and even maintain prolonged breastfeeding and Mila Kunis, also an actress, pointed out the need for breastfeeding in public without putting as many obstacles and problems on mothers as it has been doing in some places.

Video: Breastfeeding Position and Latch (July 2024).