The precious story of a man who adopts dozens of babies so that their parents do not abort or abandon them

He abortion It is one of the solutions that many women (and many couples) take when they know that a baby will come that they do not want or will not be able to care for. It is a solution to what they consider to be a problem, but in a way it's also another problem, because it is still an act that ends a life project that had already begun.

This makes many women suffer years later with the memory of what could be and was not, and for a few years both they and those who have been mothers and are thinking of abandoning it, have the support of a man who decided to be there for what it took: the precious story of the man who adopts dozens of babies so that their parents do not abort or abandon them.

The man who adopts babies in Vietnam

His name is Tong Phuoc Phuc and in the year 2001 he lived with great fear the pregnancy of his wife, which was greatly complicated. He decided that if he survived he would find a way to help other people in life.

Already in the hospital, taking care of her, she realized that many women arrived pregnant and left the hospital without a baby. Although at first he did not understand why, he soon realized that they were women who were going to have an abortion, and he thought that perhaps he could do something for them and those babies that would not be born.

Being Vietnam considered two years before the country with the highest number of annual abortions, he chose to save some money to buy a field where he would bury the fetuses of those women, which were then discarded with the usual hospital waste.

This is how Tong took over a small cemetery in which there are already more than 10,000 aborted fetuses, which not only gives him peace, but also many women who aborted at some point in their lives and who they go there to pray.

But that is not all, since he began with the cemetery the word of his work spread and some women who had an intention to abort began to look for him to explain the situation. He thought the best way to help them was to offer them a place to host them and the possibility of adopting children that they would not take care of.

That is how since 2004 he has been adopting more than 100 children and has achieved that many of them, over time, have returned to live with their mothers.

Some are born there and others are abandoned

The women who stay with him give their babies, and others, knowing the place, leave them at the door of his house, where he also welcomes them.

All children are named Vinh, which means "honor", if they are children, or Tam, which is "heart", if they are girls, adding as their mother's middle name or that of the mother's town in case one day they come back for them. As a last name, it puts them Phuc, which is yours.

Nowadays, Tong It has a second house that already serves as an orphanage, thus separating babies (usually between 20 and 30) with older children (about 30 in recent times), who cares with all the love in the world, for 15 years now.

Video: Raising a baby with Down Syndrome (July 2024).