The stroller can also help the baby to suffer from plagiocephaly (flat head)

A few days ago we talked about the fact that more and more cases of plagiocephaly were occurring as a result of the recommendations to put babies to sleep in a supine position (face up).

As I said, there are few babies I've seen with a flattened head, but I have often noticed that they are usually quite calm babies who tend to change their position little when they sleep and also accept the stroller quite well, being able to spend a long time on it, even awake.

This makes the stroller joins the crib or bassinet and to the position face up at bedtime as a possible cause of plagiocephaly in babies.

In the stroller they are too well attached

There are not many, because babies usually accept the stroller for a little while, but then they want to be fed in their arms, they want to see other things and they want to feel some human warmth, but there are. There are babies who stay very calm in the stroller watching the world, sleeping, resting or playing.

They stay there half-shaded on a fluffy surface where they are perfectly wrapped, for their safety and comfort, but with little chance of turning, both of them, and turning their heads even when they sleep.

I comment on the turn of the head because, as some moms pointed out in the previous entry, the oval shape of the head and the lack of strength in the muscles of the neck most babies sleep, still on their backs, with their heads to the side.

However, when they are in the stroller both their body and their head are wrapped and the turn is more unlikely, coming to spend several hours in that position, either awake or asleep, with a pressure such that plagiocephaly can occur.

If your son is very peaceful

If you have the joy of having a quiet child, of those who complain little and sleep a lot, you should control the position they adopt when they sleep to try to correct it in case it is turned upside down. If you can also spend hours in the stroller without complaining, even when awake, you have to keep in mind that It is not recommended that they spend too much time in strollers or hammocks.

It is good to have the child calm all day, to sleep alone and complain little, but for the sake of his head and even for the sake of his development at all levels, it is recommended that we take them in his arms , both to reduce the time of pressure on the occipital area of ​​the skull and to offer an interaction with us, their parents, with the environment and thus receive various stimuli that will help you grow and learn.

As a mother also pointed out in the previous entry, baby carriers or backpacks are highly recommended in general for both reasons. Being there they are not lying down and there is no possibility of cranial deformation and being there, close to us, they have no concern and can use all their resources to absorb learning: babies who spend more time apart usually have higher stress levels and usually cry more, spending part of the time worried about your own safety and living in a defense situation, just in case. Like is logic, when you live scared and defensively you don't have the optimal conditions to learn. Although this is another issue.

Let's say that, in conclusion, we must offer children various possibilities throughout the day, not forbidding the stroller, but promoting the use of other measures as a baby carrier, backpacks or the same arms of dad or mom.

Video: Back to Sleep Causing Flat Heads (July 2024).