My five-year-old daughter still sleeps in my bed, and will continue to do so until she decides

Parenting involves many decision making over the years, from the name the baby will take to the school he will attend. All these decisions correspond to the parents, although there are certain issues that can cause "controversy" because they are considered controversial.

One of them is the colecho, which although it is something that is recommended after three months to prevent sudden death and has many other benefits for babies, in the case of older children a lot is questioned.

However, like breastfeeding, colecho also provides benefits to children beyond their first year. And because of that, and because I believe that the opinions of other parents should be respected, today I tell you why my five-year-old daughter still sleeps in my bed, and will continue to do so until she decides.

In Babies and more Baby with baby: why sleeping together is beneficial

The guy was never in my plans

I will start being honest: making a queue with my daughter was never in my plans. Some time ago I counted right here on Babies and more how it was that I became in favor of colecho. Like many couples during pregnancy, when it was time to see where our daughter would sleep, the first thing that came to mind was the crib, so when she was already born and the bassinet they gave us began to run out, we bought a .

As in many aspects of parenting, we can imagine things in one way, but our children have other plans. And that happened with the crib. My daughter hated the crib. Barely five minutes had passed since he had placed her there after falling asleep, she woke up crying.

No matter what we tried: from playing soft music or leaving a garment of mine close to calm down, until that night that Now I remember with grace, in which I went with her to the cradle as long as she slept. In our despair we also tried those absurd methods to "teach the baby to sleep" by letting him cry, something that I will never do again because if I only know what babies feel with them, my heart breaks. In short, nobody slept, we all suffered.

Until one night, exhausted and tired of the situation, I decided to let her sleep in our bed, although there were those who told me "don't put her to your bed, because she gets used to it". And for the first time in months, we had peace. And rest, which we needed a lot.

In Babies and more13 great illustrations about the colecho with which you will feel identified

Eventually, I understood that the problem was not us or my daughter or my apparent inability to follow sleeping methods. The "problem" was that she loved me, her mother, something completely natural in any baby! That was how we started to make colecho, that at that time I didn't even know that I had a name or that it was an option that I could choose.

In time I knew that what we were doing was called colecho, I read about its multiple benefits and understood that many of the negative things that are said about it are only myths or based on unfounded prejudices, and also, it is beneficial for the whole family . Of course, This is just my experience, and what worked for me will not necessarily work for everyone..

Why do we keep making pigtails if it's not a baby anymore

I wanted to tell all this because perhaps at the time of reading the title of this writing you may think that I am a fan of the schoolboy and that for me there is no other option, or that it is only my idea that my daughter sleeps in the same bed as me. But the reality is that simply It was something we did because we had no choice but fortunately, it worked.

But just as in my plans I never went to school, neither was it that at five years old my daughter continued sleeping with me. Of course, this is not something that bothers me or worries me, because In all this time I've been tearing down many myths I had about colecho, thanks to what I have read about its benefits and also of course, of the precautions that should be taken when doing so.

Those semi-sleepy morning huddles that only the colecho can give you # MamaMillennial

The hard part comes when someone finds out that she is still sleeping with me even though she is no longer a baby. There is no lack of misplaced comments or strange looks. I confess that Sometimes I am ashamed that people know that I still go to school with my daughter, because I never know how they will react.

This at the same time is curious to me, because apparently that of seeing the school badly with children who could already sleep alone is something of the western world. In Japan and other countries in the Far and Near East, for example, children sleep with their parents until they are five or six years old and as far as I know, they have no problem of dependence on parents and alone they go to their own room around that age.

But regardless of whether in Japan or wherever, the school with older children is normal, the truth is that I continue to do so because in addition to knowing that it does not cause any damage in their development, Colecho is still the best for our family, which is now only made up of my daughter and I (something I also talked about a long time ago and if you're thinking about it: no, the colecho does not affect the relationship, in any case the improvement).

Of course, this is not just because he is still doing colecho. In addition to being practical, he has given me many beautiful moments that make me die of love, such as when I feel his little hand caressing my hair when sleeping, or when he stretches his arm to touch mine or the fact that he can see his eyes smile in a way sleepy to wake up next to me. If he didn't sleep with me, I would probably miss all those little moments so tender and typical of childhood.

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Although it is also true that The colecho is not always rosy nor is everything idyllic. There are nights when I feel that a ninja kick hits me, others in which my arm loses sensitivity because she is asleep on him or awake at the edge of the bed because she was pushing me during the night, in her attempts to sleep as close as possible possible. But despite that, I wouldn't change it for anything.

How long will we continue sleeping like this? In all honesty I answer that I don't know, because a long time ago I decided that she will be the one to choose how long she will continue sleeping in my bed. I do not mind his presence, and I think there is nothing wrong that we make colecho at his age. For me, it is a sign that he still needs me, after all, we are talking about a girl of only five years.

Of course, my daughter and I have talked about her starting to sleep in her own space, and for more than a year we installed a small bed to sleep in it. He has always been excited about the idea, he orders the dolls he wants to accompany him and we have bought sheets of his favorite characters. But although there are nights when she lies down determined to sleep there, until today, most nights end up returning to my bed in the early morning.

In Babies and more My children no longer sleep with me: conclusions after 9 years of schooling

So if you also go to school with your “older” children and feel pressured to leave it, do not worry and enjoy, that the years in which our children are young spend flying. As for my daughter, I know that she continues to gain greater independence every day, so she quietly we will continue to queue until she decides (Something that I don't think is missing much, sincerely). If other people think differently or disagree with this decision, it really is not our business.

Photos | Pexels

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