Babies of parents who are involved in parenting learn faster, says study

Some time ago we told you that pediatricians recommend that parents spend time with their children because their way of treating them is different from that of moms. Now we present a positive effect of the active presence of parents in the lives of their children.

A new study revealed that the presence of parents helps children learn faster.

According to this study, a male role that is active in the first months of life of the children, would help them perform better in tests of cognitive development at 2 years of age.

The results of the study show the importance of the father in the lives of the children, and the researchers comment that even from 3 months of age you can see the effects of this.

The researchers analyzed the interaction between 128 parents and their children, who videotaped when the babies were three months old. Basically it was that parents played with their children for a few minutes on a mat on the floor and without toys, and later when the children were two years old they analyzed the interaction during a reading session between parents and children.

When they turned 2, cognitive development was measured in tests where children had to recognize colors and figures. By doing these tests it was found that there was a positive correlation between the interaction that parents and children had at three months, and the results of the children's tests at two years.

It is important to mention that the results were not affected by the sex of the children, both girls and boys who lived with their parents obtained a high test score.

In the case of the children of parents who were not close to them or who had depressive attitudes during the interaction with their babies, their scores were lower.

Why does this happen?

The researchers conclude that parents who are farther away from their children are likely to use fewer verbal and nonverbal communication strategies, which would reduce the learning experience of babies.

In addition to the results, they found that the children of parents with a relaxed, sensitive and less anxious attitude than the others, showed a better cognitive development at two years, including their attention span and problem solving, as well as in social and language skills.

While this study shows us one more reason for parents to be more involved in parenting, it seems to me that even if we didn't know these results, Dad's presence in children's lives is very important And it can be very beneficial for them.

Video: Parenting Skills & Babies : Potty Training Tips for Parents (July 2024).