Condemned to pay more than one hundred thousand euros to a neighbor for the noise made by their children: how can we avoid such situations?

Given the threat of eviction that an English couple received a few months ago because of the cries and noises that their children made and that caused discomfort among the neighbors, we asked ourselves then, could you kick me out of my house if my son cries?

A few days ago history has been repeated with another family, also in London and also with children as protagonists. On this occasion, the parents of the children have been sentenced to pay 112,000 euros to their neighbor, because of the "intolerable" noise made by their children. But, What kind of noise can affect neighborhood life and how can we avoid them?

"They ran and threw things on the ground without stopping"

As reported by The Telegraph, the events occurred in Kensington, a neighborhood in London where the Kerrami couple moved with their children. His flat was located on top of Sarvenaz Fouladi, a 38-year-old woman who lives with her mother and who is the one who He has denounced the constant noise.

According to Fouladi, the discomfort began in the morning and lasted all day, including the night, where the constant sound of the boiler, a tap or the refrigerator disturbed his sleep.

During the day, the neighbor complained of everyday noises such as those produced at the time of washing the dishes, for example, although what really altered her were "violent breaths," the sound that the children did and the voices they gave.

"The children spend the day running, throwing toys or giving blows. They use their house as a playground: they run and throw things on the ground for seven hours without stopping" - said the woman to the judge.

The denounced marriage lawyer has accused Fouladi of being "hypersensitive" to the activity of a normal family, and has told the court that the noises the children made were "normal domestic children's noises that occasionally occur".

But the judge is over giving the reason to the denouncer and has imposed a fine of 112,000 euros to the Kerrami for the damages caused, in addition to ordering a work in the house that helps to significantly reduce noise levels.

And it is that although the judge has admitted that the noises could be something everyday in the daily life of a family with children, he considers that the marriage should have put measures to try to reduce it, such as by placing carpets on the floors.

What can we do to control the noise our children make?

Living in a community can sometimes be complicated, since sometimes we may not be aware of the daily noise that we cause and the inconvenience we are causing to our neighbors. On the other hand, we can also find especially sensitive neighbors who seem to be all annoying. What can we do in these situations?

As explained by Mapfre experts in this article, European legislation marks in 55 dB at day and 45 dB at night the maximum allowed. From 70 dB and as they go up, hearing can be affected, causing deafness or even pain.

To give us an idea: a whisper measures 30 dB, a normal conversation would be between 30 and 50 dB, and the noise of certain appliances or appliances such as a vacuum cleaner, blender, washing machine, TV or mobile phone would be around 70 dB.

All this, coupled with the crying of children, their screams and their games, can be a major nuisance, both for our neighbors and for ourselves and our children, so we must try to control the noise whenever it is in our hands to do so.

We share these simple tips that we can put into practice for the good of all:

  • Do not put up the television or music; Doing so not only causes discomfort to our neighbors but can lead to hearing problems or affect the development of children's speech.

  • Do not use toys that make too much noise, and if they speak or emit sounds we must regulate their volume. This measure, in addition to decrease noise levels in the home, will help protect children from hearing loss caused by excessive noise or continued exposure.

  • Don't shout and teach our children not to do it. Shouting at children leaves their mark; it causes them stress, fear, anxiety or aggressiveness, among many other negative effects. Education without shouting is possible and in addition to all the benefits that entails, it will avoid inconvenience to our neighbors.

  • We know that the kids are in continuous activity and that run, jump or play throwing toys or other objects at almost any time and anywhere. But whenever we can we have to try to avoid it, and teach them that certain actions of theirs can cause discomfort to other people. This aspect is one more within the education in values, respect and empathy that we must offer them.

  • And in line with the above, let's avoid the use of balls, runners, tricycles, skates or similar inside the house. The park, the field or the children's courts are, without a doubt, safer and more comfortable options for everyone.

  • The use of cushions, curtains, carpets or carpets It facilitates the absorption of noise, and the placement of insulators in doors and windows will help us, both to control the external noise that enters our house, and to minimize the noise that can reach the neighbors.

  • Yes our baby cries it is important to attend immediately and try to calm him down, but not only because of the inconvenience it may cause around us (the crying of a child, especially if it is sharp and intense, far exceeds the number of decibels allowed), but because the crying indicates that There is a need that must be addressed and covered, and not doing so can lead to serious problems.

Following these basic measures of coexistence and respect We will reduce the noise of our home considerably.

In any case, there are always situations that can escape our control, such as that our little ones get bad and that makes them especially sensitive and upset. Or we can live specific moments that raise the number of decibels allowed, such as the celebration of a birthday party.

In these situations, and depending on the trust or relationship we have with our neighbors, it would be best to speak it, because the knowledge of the situation will avoid tense situations and conflicts.

  • IStock photos

  • Via The Telegraph

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Video: France Travel Skills (July 2024).