The character of a son

Many parents often feel they have failed to guide their child along a path and blame the character for it. The character is not fully determined by biology, it is the role of parents as one of the determining factors.

The character of a son It is the result of the interaction of our genetic scheme, the environment and the education it receives. In this way, the type of influence that the child receives, authoritarian, permissive or democratic will have consequences on their future behavior.

According to experts, the new style presented by today's father is the democratic character. Some of the characteristics of this new behavior are as follows. Parents have higher levels with regard to communication and affectivity as well as control and maturity requirements. They provide children with responsibilities without forgetting the child's feelings and reward mature and independentist behaviors.

Parents also participate very actively in the period of pregnancy and in subsequent years, they are involved in the care of the baby, in its stimulation and in its early education.

It is very grateful that times have changed, that parents are more participatory and more affectionate with their children.

Video: Dr Bruce Allen, The Character of A Son Part 1 (July 2024).