Stick horses

Surely readers sometime in their childhood imagined being riding on a stick as if it were a horse. Others more fortunate will have had a Caballito de Palo, a traditional and handmade toy that little is seen in these times.

Stick horses also called cloth or sanjuaneros are an attractive toy for young children, riding in them and competing with their friends or siblings is an activity that benefits psychomotor skills and enriches the symbolic game.

As little they see there, I propose to make them at home with the help of their children. For this you will need:

-A broomstick -A sock -Cloth strokes -Cotton or foam rubber (optional) -Wool thread -Two large buttons -A piece of rope -Thread -Strap

Instructions: With the sock the head is made, filling it with pieces of cloth, cotton or foam rubber. The pieces of cloth will also serve to make your nose, mouth and ears. The two big buttons will be the eyes that you can sew to the sock or if you prefer it also serves with some strong glue.

With the wool yarn the horse horsehair is made that will be placed along the sock on the top. The piece of rope will serve to make the brake placed by wrapping the trunk like a real horse.

Once the horse's face is constructed, it joins the broomstick by tying it with a rope. (They can also be made with fabric as the model of the photograph).

And now there is only Ride!

Video: Is there a splinter in there? (July 2024).