Migraines in pregnancy increase the risk of vascular accidents

Researchers from Duke University (USA) have presented a study at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology where they affirm that persistent migraines in pregnancy increase the risk of suffering a stroke (stroke), a heart attack or other vascular attacks.

The truth is that it is very alarming news, especially when a woman in state is sensitive and absorbs all information with fear. The main thing is that it is the doctor himself who warns of the risks that a pregnant woman may have, for which a consultation is necessary whenever there are symptoms.

According to Dr. Cheryl Bushnell, they associate pregnancy migraines with preeclampsia, also with cardiovascular disease, and states that "women with persistent migraine in pregnancy should know their risk factors, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes , history of clots, heart disease and previous stroke. " Data from the study show that in the gestation of women over 35 years of age they are more likely to suffer from migraines, that pregnant women treated with migraine are twice as likely to develop hypertension or preeclampsia, which are 19 times more likely to have a stroke, five times more to suffer a heart attack and twice more to develop pathologies related to the vascular system.

This is a sign that controls during pregnancy should be strictly followed, prevention will always be more feasible to ensure the health of the future baby and the mother.

Video: Is a migraine dangerous ? Best Health FAQ Channel (July 2024).