Prevent crime from the womb

A singular plan promoted by the British government for unborn babies has already caused controversy.

It intends to intervene as soon as possible, since the baby begins to kick in the mother's womb, with the intention of curbing the chances of that baby becoming a delinquent future.

The Integrated Family Assistance Program consists of Identify unborn babies within problem families so that a group of midwives and experts can monitor the pregnancy after 16 weeks of gestation.

Considering the fetus as a potential offender, in order to reduce crime rates and social marginalization, the mother (many of them with drug, alcohol or crime problems) is advised about maternity during pregnancy, childbirth and then accompany the child's growth until he turns two.

It will help mothers to have a pregnancy as healthy as possible, moderate or quitting smoking and taking drugs, as well as teaching them how to properly care for their baby.

It is tried to strengthen the baby's bond with his parents, or only with the mother because in many cases the man has left the home.

He is taught to interpret the meaning of his gestures, his cries, in addition to instructing mothers so that their children do not get into trouble since childhood.

Apparently the program is working successfully in the United States. The results are encouraging; has reduced child abuse, children adapt better to school and get into less trouble.

I don't know if crime will be reduced, but it is possible that some children will grow up in a more decent environment and have better possibilities in the future. That is already a lot.

Video: Can Babies' Faces Prevent Crime? (July 2024).