If I get to know ... is there room for regret in this of motherhood?

The most loving and politically correct side in this of motherhood we know it well and we approve it, we share it and assume it as our own but ... Is there room for repentance in this of motherhood?

Yes, there must be when There are few women who regret having become mothers.

It is not so public and notorious, it is not preaching to the four winds but there are them and in this as in so many other aspects, The fact that they do not match my posture does not mean that they have no right to feel and give their opinions about what the body asks of them, right?

A few months ago the study that has carried out the Israeli sociologist Orna Donath about this aspect of motherhood: the regret of having become a mother.

“Regretting mothehood: A sociopolitical analysis” The controversial and controversial study of this sociologist is titled for which he has had the testimonies of 23 Israeli women who have not become the nirvana of happiness but rather the opposite.

The conclusion they reach is that they have become mothers "It has been the biggest mistake of their lives." Yes, a blunt statement, without a doubt.

It does not mean not loving your children

No, it is not the same as explained by the 23 women who contribute their vision on motherhood in this study. It is not a matter of love for your children but rather what the concept of "being a mother" has represented in your life, the experience of motherhood.

Perhaps for many the love of children goes implicitly to the experience of being mothers but for others, from an analytical point of view, if we could separate both concepts, love for children is unconditional and yet the experience of motherhood has not been a more dire decision and a more negative reality for the course of their lives, just as they were developing until then.

The social pressure, the supposed biological need, the logic of the economic and cultural system in which we live, makes many women feel more or less subtle, pushed to introduce motherhood into their lives and once they are living, they realize that it really was not a decision made by them from freedom and full personal conviction.

The study by the Israeli sociologist, Orna Donath, was published at the beginning of last year in a well-known magazine of the University of Chicago but we all know that these topics are very attractive to thousands of women around the world so it was not complicated that it exceeded the university limits through social networks and with the hashtag #reggrettingmotherhood, an interesting debate was developed on those same social networks for weeks.

An agora was opened with this study in which many women expressed those negative feelings that their own motherhood caused them but that because of their lack of understanding of their surroundings or because of social pressure they could not externalize. Some negative feelings that being unable to share with anyone made them feel strange, rare and above all very alone.

For many of these women this study and the controversy generated afterwards has meant a world, a hope, a rethinking of their situation and their way of dealing with it, it may not be their best vital moment but it is at the moment they are living, so it is best to adapt and remove, as far as possible, the sunniest side of life.

Pressure exists

@rubenvega_ I adore you. And to you @ josejuan35 and Paco I don't even tell you. And to my @meriehop of my loves what?

A photo posted by bel verdu (@maribelverdu) on Apr 16, 2016 at 4:52 p.m. PDT

Around the same time in which the aforementioned studio was published, the Spanish actress Maribel Verdú He presented what was at the time his last film as the protagonist "Childless" a comedy in which she plays a woman who wants to be many things in life but does not want to be a mother, something that coincides with the actress's own vital approach.

Maribel Verdú has always maintained that motherhood was not one of her vital desires but that is why she is not considered an “anti-children” person and yet she does openly acknowledge feeling tired of always being asked about the fact that she did not want have children, as if it were an incomprehensible behavior of an alien.

Something that does not happen with his colleagues by profession, men, who have not wanted to have children and who never, even by mistake, are asked about that decision, never enters the plans of the journalists who interview them trying to solve this categorical doubt that in the case of women is inevitable.

So yes, it is evident that in all spheres and to a greater or lesser extent this pressure exists and for some women that pressure has perhaps been the one that has pushed them to a motherhood that they were not so clear that made them happy and that later proved no, that he had nothing of happiness.

Video: My Mom Entered My Room Without Knocking. Sorry, Mom. . (July 2024).