Greater protection for Chinese children against domestic violence

China is gradually changing and the regime that governs that country must adapt to the new needs and demands of the population, especially when dealing with issues such as food, education or the welfare of children.

On this occasion we have known a story that helps improve the quality of children living in that country, a lawyer has asked the Chinese government to establish a system whereby children are protected from a rather dramatic issue, domestic violence. The reason for this request is the recent cases of child abuse that have occurred.

Gradually the conditions of Chinese children improve, not long ago we talked in Babies and more about the new law that will allow Chinese children to have time to rest and play, although this news is contradictory with those that have recently appeared in the media and that denounced that many minors were forced to work in clandestine companies supporting 16-hour days without barely eating. Returning to the subject, the lawyer proposes a system similar to that used in some European countries to detect cases of child violence and to defend victims and sincerely, it is necessary and vital to avoid news as dramatic as the one shown in the article , “On July 3, a two-year-old girl was beaten to death by her mother after vomiting on the bed. In addition, in May, a three-year-old girl from Zhengzhou was also beaten to death by her parents for speaking badly. ”

What should these parents think about to commit such atrocities, do their rages and frustrations turn into their children? The truth is difficult to know, but it is not difficult to act and prevent new cases, at least minimize them. Since last June 1, the Child Protection Law is in force, where violence against children is strictly prohibited, but we all know that the laws do not stop curbing some actions and more means are necessary.

The international complaint is very influential and it is necessary to support this lawyer, remember cases such as Chinese children's orphanages and how the children who lived there were treated. Recall how thanks to the international complaint and the dissemination of a hidden camera video this situation changed.

To help children is to help ourselves, regardless of race or country where they live.

Video: Voice of the Child of Divorce (June 2024).