"Sister Earth. Look beyond": children and the future of the environment

On the occasion of the celebration, this week, of World Environment Day (June 5), this video has just been presented that aims to raise awareness in society through music about the rational use of energy and natural resources. The video begins with a very beautiful image: a child approaches a tree and kisses its trunk.

From this important gesture of love of nature I bring it to these pages, because it seems to me that the video clip reinvindicates something that is in our hands, that of adults, and is make our children aware of the importance of their environment, for which we have to take the first step of assuming these principles ourselves.

It is a video clip of the group La Unión, Greenpeace and Central Musical with which we want to pay tribute to the creatures that share this planet with us and the ecosystems in which they live.

Apart from the song, which I liked as a follower of La Unión, we have images of natural wonders, landscapes, flora and fauna, which are suffering from the action of man. Those other images of global warming, uncontrolled logging or polluting emissions they alternate with the previous ones, as a dramatic counterpoint that makes us wake up. Is that the future we want for our children?

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).