Natural remedies to repel mosquitoes

With the arrival of summer, undesirable mosquitoes often appear strongly, especially at night, when they take advantage of open windows or outdoor stays to be primed with some defenseless ...

Children are usually preferred targets of annoying insects, and we must protect them against their attacks, preferably with remedies that do not use chemical substances, such as some devices that we have seen in Babies and more.

These are some natural remedies transmitted by popular knowledge or used since ancient times, more or less proven, that could keep mosquitoes at bay.

  • Mosquito nets, of window, of doors, or for the cradle or bed, a good physical barrier of undoubted effectiveness.
  • Place a glass of vinegar or a bag full of water in the window.
  • Sprinkle with lemon tea. The smell of lemon repels these insects.
  • Take brewer's yeast (about 3 tablespoons a day).
  • Eat raw garlic, onion and clove oil. These smells dislike mosquitoes (watch out, also many people ...) and keep them away.
  • Eat foods with lots of Vitamin B (almonds, mushrooms, chickpeas, lentils ...), which makes our skin give off a characteristic smell that we do not perceive and that repels mosquitoes.
  • It is believed that insects worship people with low levels of zinc, so the daily consumption of about 60 milligrams of this element (contained in cereals, meats, dairy, soy ...) could be effective.
  • Strategically place in plants and windows clusters of plants such as lavender, rosemary, thyme or eucalyptus. According to specialists, the smell of these plants is the one that mosquitoes least like, so they create a bumper effect against the insect.
  • Plant basil or alfábega pots: They will also run away from their smell that we find pleasant.
  • Avoid colonies They give off sweet smells.
  • Do not wear brightly colored or fluorescent clothing that attracts the mosquito.
  • Cook a few Eucalyptus leaves and put the liquid obtained in small containers to place them in all rooms.
  • Candles smelling of lavender or lemon, uanque should never be left on overnight.
  • Another trick somewhat more complicated but what those who have proven it is very effective say is the following. Take a bottle split in half and keep the bottom. Mix hot water with brown sugar, and let cool to about 40 degrees. Then, to the mixture yeast is added, cover the half bottle with a black surface and put the other half of the container inside, forming a kind of funnel. Leave this homemade trap in some corner of the house so that the mosquitoes run away.

Video: 8 All-Natural Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away (July 2024).