"There are monsters here": the story of a fearsome fierce captain who makes a wrong decision

Poly Bernatene (to the colors) and Jonathan Emmett (to the pen) are already known by the readers of this blog, since last year we presented one of the funniest and most surprising stories that have been written about princesses.

Then it was "The Princess and the Little Pig", the creation of this literary tandem; and like the story we present today, it was published by Maeva Young.

Today I come to tell you that the publishing house has just published the last book of Jonathan and Poly, which in a completely different tone, and displaying the creativity of the illustrator, tells the story of the pirate captain called "Feroz", which nevertheless ends up becoming... (I think I shouldn't reveal it). This pirate directs a crew wanted for their robberies, whose components are terrible and reckless at the same time. Reckless yes, enough to get into that milky fog? That never.

That is why, although Feroz announces that there is an island full of treasures behind the fog ... they all predict "Here are monsters" (But they appear even on the maps!). But there are pirate captains who, at the cost of becoming brave, go anywhere.

And there they go, until without knowing how (the readers do know it, yes), Feroz is left alone and discovers that the precious stones and diamonds, were only ...

“There are treasures here”, entertaining for children over six years old, fun for those who are over eight, and manages to awaken a bit of interest in those who have already turned 10.

The story and illustrations have nothing to do with the story of "The Little Pig and the Princess", and I like that a lot, it shows that its authors know how to work different genres.

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