UNICEF warns of high maternal mortality

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) continues to recall the great tragedy of the high maternal mortality rate in developing countries, with a notable difference between the number of mothers killed during pregnancy and childbirth in those countries and in industrialized nations.

In figures, we have to half a million women who die annually for that reason, 99% come from poor countries, especially from sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia. The most unfortunate thing about this situation is that these are avoidable deaths.

Therefore, as we have already pointed out, campaigns to improve the health of mothers in the Third World are necessary, with the aim of reducing these mortality rates and acting towards providing solutions.

According to the UNICEF report, in Latin America and the Caribbean, the maternal mortality rate has fallen by 28% from 1990 to date, progress that however is still insufficient and conceals enormous differences between countries.

Look where you look, in any case the data is undoubtedly insufficient to achieve the goals of the Millennium Goal set for 2015. As UNICEF points out, after the title "It is urgent to stop maternal mortality",

The cause of his death is as clear as it is unfair: they do not have access to medical care during pregnancy and childbirth. They lose their lives because poverty and certain social attitudes make women's health one of the most neglected areas of health care.

We cannot close our eyes to this reality.

Video: Maternal Mortality (July 2024).