"Academy of Specialists", understanding a little more autism

As most of you already know, last Tuesday, April 2, World Autism Awareness Day was celebrated. Therefore, in Babies and more we are taking advantage to get a little closer to this disorder that affects approximately one in 150 people.

Therefore, today we want to bring you something very special from the Orange Foundation. This is a video that will help us understand a little more autism: "Academy of specialists".

As you can see, the video is an animated short film made by cartoonist Miguel Gallardo, who surely many of you will know for being the author of the comic "María y yo", which would later be taken to the cinema and where its author He told us about Miguel's vacation with his daughter María (who suffers from Autism Spectrum Disorder) in Gran Canaria.

This initiative seeks to be able to reach society in a closer and different way in order to raise awareness of what autism consists of and show them the different "super powers" (make puzzles in unusual ways, catalog the people by criteria other than normal, close all doors ...) that these children have and not always fully understood.

"Academy of specialists" It is a highly recommended short animation to help us understand a little more Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Via and video | Orange Babies Foundation and more | Blue balloons for World Autism Awareness Day, It is confirmed that vaccines are not related to autism, A baby who does not smile or look in the eye, could it be autistic ?, "The room of the pictograms", video games for boys and girls with autism.

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