How much will we spend on toys this Christmas?

Yesterday we talked about one of the positive effects of the economic crisis we are going through. This year we will take more care of the pocket when buying gifts, that is, we will buy less and our children will receive less toys avoiding, or at least minimizing, the “hyper-gifted child” syndrome, which is not bad at all.

The Spanish Association of Toy Manufacturers (AEFJ) has dared to put a figure. Estimate that This year we will spend about 187 euros on average for each child in Christmas shopping, considering it a moderate expense.

I do not know what variables are based to calculate the figure, it will depend on the number of family members who give away, on the amount of toys that are bought per child and obviously on the number of children in the family, but it certainly does not seem like a moderate figure, but rather high, although each family economy is a world. There are those who cannot but still spend that and much more, and those who can but find it a nonsense to spend almost 200 euros per child on toys.

Toy makers recommend buying less toys but of higher quality. That is, we are advised to prefer a somewhat more expensive toy bought in a safe place rather than two bought in places without any guarantee such as bazaars or markets.

Video: Our real numbers Christmas budget: How much do we spend on our kids (July 2024).