Affectionate and communicative parents have less risk of having children that bully their peers

I know that by reading the headline you will be thinking that "well of course", that "what a truism" or similar things. I also think that it is absurd to devote time and resources to doing studies that demonstrate something so logical. However, since it is usual to think that when you give a lot of love, many pampering, a lot of kisses, and a lot of dialogue to a child, what you achieve is that the child ends up being very dependent, very thoughtful that the world belongs to him and in Very dedicated consequence to continue achieving what you want, wherever and however, I believe that in the end it will be useful to investigate to demonstrate the obvious.

In U.S.A. They have a serious problem with bullying, as much as 15% of children are considered to suffer. Many children and adolescents between 10 and 17 years harass and mistreat their peers, laughing at them, humiliating them and forcing them to do things they do not want. In the search for a cause that causes it, or a cause that can prevent it, the data of the National Survey of Child Health conducted in 2007 was studied, and they saw that Affectionate, communicative parents who know their friends and help them with school issues are less at risk of having bully children.

The survey in question obtained data from more than 45,000 children, so it was an invaluable source of data to do this and other studies. In this one, which was published in the magazine American Journal of Public HealthThey also saw that black children, of Latin origin, with few financial resources or emotional problems, development or behavior were more likely to harass their peers.

In addition, the children of parents who were angry with their children, those of mothers with mental health problems or those parents who thought they were problematic also seemed to be more stalkers.

Then, the researchers dedicated themselves to comparing children who annoy their peers with those who do not, and they saw the children that we would all want as children they completed their tasks, were more responsible and had parents who talked with them and who also knew their friends.

The study authors explained it as follows:

A high level of parental involvement and communication with children was associated with a lower likelihood of harassment ... School-based program evaluations that seek parental involvement have suggested that such participation could be an essential component of effective interventions, but that is often difficult to implement.

Yes, if it is necessary to implement it, it is implemented, and yes, if it is necessary to make parents more involved in the care of their children, it is done, or at least it is tried. It is true that when a child is already 10 years old or older, if their parents have not dedicated much to achieving a relationship of trust and healthy communication with their child, they will have a hard time changing the functioning of the family.

But hey, It is never late if happiness is good, and it is enough to propose it so that the children, that at the bottom what they need most is that we are with them and for them, also begin to change and leave behind that behavior that seeks to humiliate and ridicule others so that they are left, by the strength, on a higher level, that they have not achieved at home because they have come out with a very touched self-esteem.

Video: The Truth About Single Moms (July 2024).