Effects of hard drugs on the fetus

Many times we talk about the effects that alcohol or tobacco can have on the development of the baby in gestation. Today we are going to stop at the effects of hard drugs on the fetus.

Already in 1991, studies were published on the effects of cocaine use, and the serious problems that can cause the use of heroin and other toxic substances such as LSD in the fetus are also known.

A line of cocaine It can kill the fetus, as documented in cases of mothers who consumed at 35 weeks of gestation: the baby suffered massive brain micro-infarctions. Cocaine use can also lead to premature delivery or placental abruption, and its negative effects are unquestionable in the neuronal development of the baby, which can lead to cognitive disorders.

In addition, cocaine produces hypertension and vasoconstriction, which can also contribute to the appearance of brain lesions in the fetus (mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, microcephaly, necrosis ...).

Despite all these risks, cocaine use is still prevalent in certain areas among pregnant women.

About the heroineIt also has an immediate effect on the baby, affecting the formation of the brain and nervous system. The chances of the baby's brain not functioning properly multiply with heroin use. In addition, the baby will be born with a strong addiction and abstinence syndrome will have to be treated as if he were a drug addict.

The psychotropic like LSD and its derivatives can produce pseudopsicosis, hallucinations and other pathological conditions in the baby.

As we see, the consumption of all these hard drugs during pregnancy they can trigger fatal consequences during pregnancy for the health and even the life of the fetus, apart from the damage caused by the adult.

Video: The Effects of Drug Abuse During Pregnancy (July 2024).