Pregnancy month by month: third month

He third month of pregnancy It is an especially sensitive stage. Although pregnancy is not yet noticeable at first sight, some women already notice a slight shape in their belly and feel very intense emotions about the child growing inside.

Although the chances of a natural abortion decrease there is also great uncertainty, because the tests that are going to be carried out determine possible problems and at the moment the connection with the child is very intense while causing fear to connect until you know what it is your state.

Changes in the mother's body and emotions

From week 11 the baby grows rapidly and the female body must adapt to it. The uterus fits into the pelvis and increases in size, has the dimensions of a grapefruit.

Although it is not noticeable the pregnancy in the bulging belly it will become evident throughout this month but the breasts do have more weight and volume, increasing the size and making a suitable bra recommended. The halo may darken and the sinus veins may also be more marked. The nipples are sensitive.

The woman will have gained approximately a kilo or a kilo and a half. It is important to follow the advice of the doctor and take special care of food and hydration, providing us with the vitamins, minerals and proteins necessary to feel good and nourish the fetus, which receives the feed of our, for now, small placenta. You can exercise moderately and that also contributes to the health of our child. Women who do not practice sport will usually benefit from walks and adapted swimming, and it is good to find the time not to abandon this facet of health care.

The mother is very attentive to physical changes of your cBody and may be very emotionally sensitive or have mood swings. Breaking to cry without apparent cause, being tired and sleepy are normal symptoms. What the pregnant woman needs is to take care of herself, rest and receive the emotional and organizational support of those around her. Nausea and dizziness are attenuated and usually disappear in the following month. Of course, whatever the results of the tests, it is advisable to continue abstaining completely from toxic products such as alcohol and tobacco, in addition to drugs. From the 12th week stomach discomfort may appear, as the organs are placed to make room for the baby and care must be taken to take fried or heavy foods.

The skin is usually softer and pregnant women feel radiant, people around us will point out how beautiful we are. Blood volume has increased and pregnancy hormones make the sebaceous glands give the skin a better appearance. It is convenient not to sunbathe without adequate protection to avoid spots on the skin called chloasma gravidarum.

It does not hurt to begin to hydrate the skin of the belly with almond oil or other suitable product, to prepare it for the coming months. Happiness also influences the overall appearance, although it is also normal for feeling tired and heavy to make it happen more difficult times.

Medical tests in the third month of pregnancy

In the week 12 an ultrasound is done of great importance, because in it the fetus is observed and the main possible anomalies can be determined. We can know for sure if it is a multiple pregnancy and if the development of the fetus is appropriate for its gestational age. As we will see, the 12-week fetus already has its main organs and it can be verified that everything is correct. Your heartbeat will also be observed but, although the sexual organs are already differentiating, it is not very likely that they can tell us the sex for sure.

The most important of this ultrasound is the measurement of the nuchal fold (nuchal translucency) and the measurement of the nasal bone, since both are determinants to detect a possible Down syndrome and other genetic disorders that can be confirmed in amniocentesis.

The baby

The embryo, with its tail and its indefinite appearance similar to the rest of the living beings in the previous stage, becomes fetus identifiable by its form as a human being. In week 11 your arms and legs grow and the bones, although still flexible, harden. In this month there is in addition to a remarkable growth a differentiation of the organs and the senses.

All systems and organs are formed by week 12: stomach, liver, lungs, and pancreas. The intestines are formed and at the end of the month they will already be placed inside the abdomen of the fetus and this, clearly linked by the cord to the placenta. Although the organs are not fully functioning, they are already clearly distinguishable. By week 12 the kidneys begin to function and the fetus urinates. The genitals are also formed.

Arms and legs are clearly defined and by week 13, in addition to all the bones of the hands even the nails appear on the fingers. The head defines its human profile, the eyes are occupying their definitive position in the center of the face although they do not open yet and the ear develops.

The fetus during this third month, moves, bounces on the walls of the uterus even if we do not notice. Extend arms and kick with legs. He begins to develop his own fingerprints and his head is provided relative to the body. Its appearance, at the end of this month, is that of a miniature baby, about 10 centimeters and 50 grams.

Video: Muscle stretching exercise for 0-3 months pregnant (July 2024).