Do we follow the same parenting style of our mothers?

There are those who say that "of such a mother, such a daughter", although in this case it would be more appropriate to say that "of such a daughter, such a mother".

This is stated by a study by the Ohio State University that after surveying more than a thousand women has concluded that women follow more than men the way of raising our mothers.

They have observed that women raised in the 1970s and 1980s mostly followed the same behavior as their mothers, but instead men followed much less the same parenting model they had received.

Fortunately it is seen that something evolved as parents, as research reveals that there were significant changes in parenting style. It tends to hit children much less, they are given more affection and much more reading, according to the study. Although they have not pointed out that unfortunately they also spend much less time.

I believe that when we become parents, both men and women, we educate our children following two premises: either by repetition or by opposition.

By repetition, because we want to give our children the same things that we liked from our upbringing, we have good memories of our childhood, of the values ​​that we have been instilled and we decided to raise our children in the same way.

By opposition, precisely the opposite. If on certain occasions we have felt mistreated, that they have not respected us, that an excessive authority was exercised or anything that we did not like as children, we decided that we do not want to transmit that model of parenting to our children.

Personally, my parenting model is a combination of both. I try to repeat the things that have enriched me and avoid those that have not, in addition to applying new methods of parenting that I consider more respectful and loving and that contribute (I hope) to make my daughters better people. Do you follow the same parenting model?

Video: Emotionally Unavailable Mother. healthcare, psychology & wellness wKati Morton. Kati Morton (July 2024).