They accuse homicide of parents whose son dies treated only with homeopathy

A few months ago I talked extensively about homeopathy and the lack of therapeutic effect that this type of "medicine" has. During the days I published the entries I received dozens of replies, mails, tweets and messages on Facebook alerting me how wrong I was. There were even those who said that, even though it only worked as a placebo, there was nothing wrong with it.

As well, The bad thing about using homeopathy is that it does nothing and that there are people who believe that it does. If homeopathy is used but conventional medicine is not neglected, there is no danger. You will be taking contradictory treatments (one avoids the damage - the medicine of a lifetime - and the other causes it - homeopathy -), although as we know that homeopathy is really nothing there will be no contradiction.

The problem comes when you take homeopathy and refuse other treatments. This is dangerous and a sample of this is what happened a few days ago in Italy, where Luca Monsellato, a four-year-old boy, died because his father, a specialist in orthopedics and homeopathy, treated him only with natural remedies and homeopathy.

Apparently the child died after taking an infusion of fennel (this is not homeopathy, fennel is a plant that does have effects and an infusion is not diluted homeopathically), so it was thought that this could be the cause of death.

In the autopsy, on the other hand, this version was rejected and it was concluded that the child had died from natural causes, with a respiratory failure probably caused by a virus, that is, for pneumonia.

The child suffered, in effect, pneumonia, suffered abdominal pain and also lost hair (I do not know if there could be anything else because this hair loss is strange, but in the news there is no mention of any more diagnosed condition ). His father, Marcello, who works in Ferrara where he is presented to the public as an orthopedic and homeopath He decided to treat him only with the remedies he prescribes to his patients. Seeing that the boy was really bad they decided to transfer him to a hospital. The boy died shortly after entering.

Now parents have been accused of lack of attention towards their child to the point of treating the case as a homicide. The truth is that, just as the story ends, the worst possible punishment has already been taken.

The case has caused a great controversy in Italy about the use of homeopathy, although homeopaths have a strong argument in their defense: Marcello Monsellato was not officially registered as a homeopath (as if that had a lot to do with it).

Video: My son was a Columbine shooter. This is my story. Sue Klebold (July 2024).