Stories of mothers: "Only what comes from the heart comes to the heart"

One more day we bring you one of the beautiful stories of moms you are sending us. Today it is the turn of Iraida and her little Iyari, whom she affectionately calls Iyi, beautiful eyes. A beautiful reflection on what our children change, making us grow, what we owe them and about our responsibility as parents.

Courage during pregnancy and childbirth is just one of the examples of how having a baby can change us and make the best of us. And this story contains a look at the future that makes us think about how fast time goes by, how fast our children grow and how then childhood memories will be a treasure.

She invites us to Be brave and listen to the needs of our children and of ourselves to be able to accompany them in their growth with respect. I leave you with the story of Iraida and her baby, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do and that it makes you reflect.

Only what comes from the heart comes to the heart ... I have been meditating these days. I realize that life is wise and always gives what we need, not what we want. It is entertaining because we never know what happens in the next chapter of everyday life. When everything seems calm, we get a crisis or a challenge, expected or not (a break, a death, a move, an accident, a dismissal, a baby, a new project ...) that puts everything upside down and over time , takes us to the next personal level.
One of the things I infinitely appreciate is our ability to model our lives based on how we learn to learn from life. To look at the facts with different approaches and realize when retrospectively reviewing that chance does not exist, causation governs everything in harmony. Personally, my baby leads me to rephrase questions already answered, to reopen closed cases in the book of my egos, to investigate what I never thought and to design a new model of life in which I can grow by his side, learn from him , laugh more at me ... tune in to your absence of fear and total state of Love and infinite light, of sweetness and harmony, of sympathy and good humor :) The enjoyment that a baby brings with it is unmatched! Although I did not say the same during childbirth (without anesthesia or any drug, of which I take great pride, because I am very cowardly ... I did it by starting to give my best!), Nor the first months living just to feed a little meat thing with legs that did not sleep more than 2 hours in a row ... and change the diaper again and again and again, without sleep, without time or to go to the bathroom! I realize that Iyi teaches me to open the door of those dark rooms that exist in me that I fear as a girl, to fill them with light and give them new decoration ... As my phobia of blood draws for routine checkups in my pregnancy ... I couldn't believe I was sitting there watching with a smile on my mouth as the terror faded as these drops flowed into the tubes! Without fear, without dizziness ... Time flies by, our children ALWAYS arrive at the right time, they will grow and the only thing that will remain will be the beautiful memories and their smiles that will seal our paternal hearts ... We want to see them always happy, give them what our Parents gave us good, do not know what did not help us or hurt us. We require a lot of courage to decide to improve our lives, but when they arrive ... personal growth is not optional, it ceases to be: it becomes MANDATORY.
Only ... it's a unique inner growth, it's gradual and firm, but sweet, sweet. Demanding, but highly nutritious. Tears of happiness run often, the feeling of total joy that tickles the chest becomes the daily bread. The gratitude for such a magnificent experience is infinite !! If we have children, let's be courageous! It is hard to face ourselves, heal ourselves ... in order to look at them with clean eyes of gray, pink or even crystals ... so black that facing them, we have never looked at them as the wonder they are and always have been. Let us observe their needs and accept their own, forgetting to listen to the chattering that comes from outside our experience, unique, personal and non-transferable, inaccessible and unparalleled to be the parents of every single beautiful being. Happiness is a sum of infinite pleasant moments. Let's make each of these, then, the best moments! Our inner voice dictates without error what we have to do to face each new day, with each new modified being what our little boy becomes day by day; a millimeter taller, five dozen new hairs, a skill never seen before in his little hands, a tooth ... An expression of very clear anger, a new word, a whim, a girlfriend in kindergarten, a piercing, colored hairs ... An extraordinary in high school ... I tell you that time flies !! So, let's project ourselves in the future ... Our children tell us, when they are older, about how beautiful their childhood was, without skipping stages (despite the insistence of the media and department stores to accelerate the months, seasons, purchases by impulse ... the ages of our children). Always enjoying our side (on the same team, not the opposite). They remember how well we managed to communicate with them in their teens. They are happy to have been enriched and filled with our time, rather than with our fashionable material gifts. Today they are still happy and include us in their joy! Grateful because we knew how to give our unconditional love, motivated from today by the small smiling chisel that today models us with every attentive look. I've been enjoying his look for 9 months, but also, remodeling myself for her! Let's be inclusive, respectful; Let us listen to our children ... even if they still enjoy bouncing in our belly, because without a doubt, they are linked to our hearts, hearts that ALWAYS know all the answers. The next adults, loving and respectful, will take care of the planet, take care of themselves, take care of each other, take care of their children and ... of us as future elders. Thank you for your teaching, little beautiful eyes.

We thank Iraida for showing us what her perception of motherhood is like and how her baby has changed her life in this beautiful story.

We remember that yes as mothers you want to share your story with us You can do it by sending the story, which should have an extension of between 5 and 8 paragraphs, to [email protected] with one or two photos (min. 500 px wide) in which you go out with your son or children.

We thank you for the participation, and We will publish your stories of mothers throughout the month of May, because Mother's Day is celebrated throughout this month in various parts of the world.

Video: Single Mom (July 2024).