"Four generations", the new viral challenge that unites families and captivates in social networks

Even with the hangover of the # 10yearchallenge viral challenge, another new challenge called #FourGenerations comes from China, which has moved us. It is not easy to carry it out, but whoever gets it can feel really lucky.

The challenge consists in bring together four members of four generations from the same family, and immortalize the moment in a single image or video. Then you must share it on social networks under the hashtag mentioned, and join this stream that has already crossed half the world. You join?

From China to Spain

The challenge began in China, with a video starring four women who quickly went viral. The reason? Manage to gather in a single image, great grandmother, grandmother, mother and girl of the same family.

Fifteen seconds of video, but four smiles that illuminate the scene shouting "Mom!":

#fourgenerations pic.twitter.com/K6Azy459ax

- SL (@lima_simon) January 14, 2019

Gradually, Chinese citizens joined this exciting viral challenge and filled Twitter with funny and endearing videos starring mothers, fathers, grandparents, great grandparents and children.

#fourgenerations Challengepic.twitter.com/kzclSdtTB1

- SL (@lima_simon) January 14, 2019

The challenge has ended up crossing the country's borders, and arriving in India, Australia, Argentina, Peru, Denmark, United States ... and now to Spain. These are some of the examples that we have found in social networks, and that we have found really touching:

The Australian version of #FourGenerations! Not as good as the original, but we had fun reproducing it! #familyfun pic.twitter.com/3lRsK6NBsJ

- Denise Tung (@schmediad) January 12, 2019

We are in Peru and had to do it! #FourGenerations #women #JapanesePeruvian pic.twitter.com/LugajxaDBP

- cin mohr (@cin_mohr) January 6, 2019
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A shared post by Janelle Burton (@thikay) on Jan 6, 2019 at 3:31 PST

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A shared publication of Marie (@winestainbookmarks) on Jan 5, 2019 at 10:55 PST

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A shared post by C J (@twoparentsandthreekids) on Jan 11, 2019 at 9:58 AM PST

There are those who have decided to put a funny note dressed all the same, and who prefers to choose to immortalize the moment in a photograph, instead of doing it on video. Anyway, the idea has moved us and many Internet users have described it as "the most touching challenge of 2019".

But the challenge has also caused melancholy among those who can no longer enjoy their grandparents, and who would have longed for their children to have had the good fortune to meet them. What I would not give to bring together four generations of my family in the same image!

In Babies and more A tribute to grandparents, the only people able to stop time

And you, Are you one of the lucky ones who could meet the challenge?

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