ScreensAmigas, for a safe and healthy use of new technologies

PantallasAmigas is an initiative whose mission is to promote the safe and healthy use of new technologies and the promotion of responsible digital citizenship in childhood and adolescence. The premises of this initiative are:

  • Move in a safe environment, avoiding risks or reducing its consequences
  • That standing in front of the screens is a healthy act, seeking full physical, mental and social, individual and collective well-being.
  • Promote "Cyber ​​citizenship", developing full citizen competencies, values ​​and skills.

It has been providing materials and advice for five years to teach children and adults how to use computers, Internet, video games or mobile phones responsibly, that is, all screens.

It offers very interesting sections on addiction to technologies, cybercrimes or videos that teach parents what we are talking about with cyberbullying, grooming, with very illustrative and enjoyable cartoons that raise awareness about the fragility of privacy on the Internet.

It also has a participation section for parents, where they can present their doubts and experiences.

Internet, mobiles, computers, video games and all screens In general, they can be great sources of knowledge, entertainment and well-being if we control their use and our autonomy. A healthy and safe use of these screens is essential, but certain skills that websites like this remind us are needed.

Not staying long in front of the screens to avoid sedentary lifestyle or not offering our personal data are some of the actions that we must instill in our children (and practice ourselves, of course) and that we frequently remember on our pages.

The sections of links, news, articles and educational resources complete ScreensAmigas in its search for a safe and healthy use of new technologies.

Official Site | Friendly screens In Babies and more | Protect your children on the Internet, Kiddia, portal for safe Internet browsing, secure Internet, for the safe use of the network among children