Know if it will be a boy or a girl on your mobile phone

Today we asked you if you could wait until birth to know if your baby will be a boy or a girl. The service I am talking about now is for those who cannot wait for the ultrasounds that confirm the sex of the baby. "Will it be a boy or a girl?" It is a subscription service via mobile phone that tells us the sex of the baby Based on the Chinese table.

Obviously, on the web we are notified that it is a test created for entertainment purposes and that the results are not scientifically proven.

And, however much Chinese calendar they use to do the "test", we already know that this traditional method of baby sex screening It doesn't always work. To tell us if it will be a boy or a girl you have to enter the mother's age and the month of conception, and then our mobile phone.

It is an application that is advertised on Facebook. Of course, be careful because if you decide it is a subscription that will continue sending messages after the first test result.

What I don't know is what the following messages will tell us, if we are going to find out the sex of the baby from the whole neighborhood or what (they will send up to a maximum of 10 per week, at 0.99 cents plus the cost of wap navigation for each operator).

If you want to do the same test but free, I refer you to the Chinese calendar to know the sex of the baby, and even more, to another table of doubtful compliance but with a certain tradition, the Mayan table.

If you want to play a little to know if your baby will be a boy or a girl, this site can give you some clues putting the data requested and subscribing to the service from our mobile phone.

Official Site | Will it be a boy or a girl? In Babies and more | When you want to have a boy and is a girl (or vice versa), Test to know the sex of the baby at 10 weeks, New study confirms the relationship between the mother's diet and the sex of the baby

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