First Forum of Single Parent Families in Spain

The next weekend will take place in León (Spain) the first National Forum of Single Parent Families, organized by the Isadora Duncan Foundation.

The objective of this Forum is to reflect on the situation of single-parent families in the fiscal and social policies of Spain, where they still do not have much visibility. Therefore, this meeting is considered as a place to expose the needs and reality of these families in Spain, as well as the claim of their presence in the laws.

For example, from the Isadora Duncan Foundation, they point out that in the fiscal measures published for 2010, single-parent families do not appear in any of their sections for certain tax benefits or grants they claim.

The program of the meeting includes interesting topics related to the problems of the different regional models regarding the consideration of single parenthood, the need for a legal framework of its own, issues related to accessibility to education, housing, financial aid, single parenting in rural areas ...

For all these issues, we intend to have experts and speakers from single-parent families, who know first-hand the problem faced by these family nuclei, such as Rosa Maestro, founder of, which we have also talked about.

There will also be round tables on single parenthood in the different Communities and conferences. The meeting of First Forum of Single Parent Families in Spain It will take place at the MUSAC of Léon on June 12, 2010 and registration can be made from the Isadora Duncan website.

Official Site | Isadora Duncan On Babies and more | New family concepts, Single mothers, a voluntary decision, Single mothers by choice, Deciding to be a single mother

Video: Dealing with Toxic Parents. Kati Morton (July 2024).