What effect did the epidural cause you?

Epidural anesthesia is the pharmacological mechanism of pain relief in childbirth more employed in our environment, and it has become a resource that many women entrust themselves to avoid suffering.

We have already commented on the benefits and disadvantages of epidural, but on this occasion we would like to focus on knowing what effects anesthesia caused in your body when giving birth. If it calmed you down and helped to cope with the delivery, if it did not act as you thought, if you had any unwanted side effects ...

Because it is well known that epidural does not cause the same effects in all women, and also that the amount of anesthesia provided may vary.

So that they can be heard epidural experiences of all kinds, from anesthesia that did not suppress pain or caused harmful side effects to others that fulfilled its anesthetic function well and calmed the mother.

In my two births I was put into epidural anesthesia by six centimeters of dilation, and in both I could feel a considerable relief from the pain of contractions (although that pain was not excessive), and not so much that it prevented me from feeling them.

With which I could continue to incorporate and move my legs (although monitoring made it impossible for me to stand) and at the right time continue to do breathing exercises to oxygenate the baby and push in the expulsive.

In the first delivery they had to perform a C-section, increasing the anesthetic dose for the intervention, which evidently stopped feeling my legs and it took me a while to recover my mobility until after I got into the room.

In the second delivery I was able to perform the bids and in five minutes the baby was already born, and all without losing mobility in the legs, and although it is not the pain that I remember, yes the feeling that they were sewing me after the birth I lived it very nervous.

In none of the cases I had notable side effects from anesthesia, in the first birth I felt strong tremors although they could be due to other causes.

In short, if I had to define my experience with the epidural would say it was positive and that if she gave birth again, she would love her too. How the deliveries would have ended without anesthesia, I do not know, but what I have clear is that in my second birth I felt strong, powerful and happy at the time of giving birth.

And although I know of the alternative methods of relief, which I recommend knowing and asking everyone, my excessive fear of pain I think would block me at any given time and lead me more nervous to give birth.

But every woman should be informed of non-pharmacological methods to relieve pain, of the advantages and disadvantages of epidurals, that hospitals have and allow these methods, and be able to choose. Nor does it seem fair to me that in many hospitals the epidural is administered according to dates and available personnel.

Surely you can contribute more experiences telling us how epidural anesthesia acted in your cases, and if you would repeat or not.

Video: What are the advantages and disadvantages of an epidural? (July 2024).