Moms bloggers: Carmen visits us, from La Gallina Pintadita blog

As you know, it is coming the Mother's Day and with this motive from Babies and more we have wanted to invite various moms bloggers to honor them in their day, and through them, to all mothers.

We want to know more closely those women and mothers behind each blog, and today our guest is Carmen, author of La Gallina Pintadita, which has led, among other things, to many call her affectionately Gallina, Gallinita or Galli

He is 36 or 37 years old (he tells us he never remembers) and a son of almost five years, David, his chick. Bachelor of Fine Arts, in the specialty of Restoration of works of art, married to the love of a lifetime (no less than 20 years together, and happy).

She is currently a consultant for My Little Book Box in Seville and freelance for a new blog that is still brewing. It started with an online children's products store that doesn't work today.

Carmen loves spending time with family and friends, educational leisure, storytelling, workshops, theater ... Activities where you can enjoy and get rich together the whole family. She is passionate about children's literature and she also dedicates a very important space in her blog.

What led you to start a blog?

I came to blogs by chance, jumping from page to page, spending time looking for interesting products for my children's products store. Children's decoration, clothes, toys, beautiful things, children, children, children. I quickly arrived at maternal blogs, those in which normal and ordinary women, like me, told their experiences, talked about childbirth, breastfeeding, schooling, porting, parenting ...

I knew that for the business I needed to open a blog, which was a showcase for my attitudes that I could not miss, but above all, I felt the need to express myself freely.

The blog was born in parallel to the store, as a way to publicize the products offered, in addition to my experience as a mother, our mutual growth. A way to communicate with other moms with similar or contrary experiences, to get rid of, reflect, share, have fun, learn ...

What has the blog contributed to you?

For me the blog is a very important part of my life. Thanks to him I have met many people, I have made great friends whom I adore. Writing is a therapy for me, a way to free myself from what I feel. If I'm happy, if I screw up to the bottom, if there is something that bothers me, if we had a great weekend ...

It is a love exchange channel. The one of many people comes to me and mine also reaches another one. It is to feel part of a community of people who live a stage of their life similar to yours, of not feeling alone, not a weirdo. It is a way to normalize your feelings and experiences. That's how I felt after 20 months of my chick, released for being able to express myself.

Writing our day to day, our stages, helps me to remember them, to record them in my memory and hears, if it fails, as so many times, there is the blog to remind me, like a diary.

Thanks to him I have learned and I continue to learn thousands of things. "If you don't know how to do something, do it" doesn't go much with me; I am more of "take hours, but do it yourself", so I learn a little of everything to sleep a little less than I need. I never typed so fast.

How has motherhood changed you?

I did not want to have children, now he is the center of my world. It has changed EVERYTHING. I never wanted to be a mother. I didn't want to be responsible for a being for life. I got pregnant I thought that my life should not change because of that.

The months of pregnancy were passing, reading, informing me. From the beginning I was clear that breastfeeding would be the best for my son. I read the "Fall asleep child" and I was clear: not like that.

I went from "as soon as possible to your room" to "if I sleep accompanied and I am an adult why would he have to do it that is so helpless". My instinct told me that I should follow him, do what my heart dictates, but at the same time, cultural impositions weighed a lot, too much.

After David was born, little by little, the instinct grew stronger, each time living motherhood more as he felt. We established breastfeeding after many difficulties, many cries, many doubts. It became something wonderful (it still is).

"I am clear that I live motherhood and my life in general as I want, how it makes all the members of my family happy and that is the important thing"

In a very short time my husband and I felt that he was now HIS now, that of our son. There we were for him. I was his livelihood, not only physically, with my chest, but also emotionally. My husband was (is) the perfect complement, the one that makes it possible for everything to work.

Many, many hours of doing nothing but breastfeeding, being your mattress, your pillow. We ended up collecting, for porting, for living life around him, so we were, we are, happy. If I didn't care much what people thought before, now even less.

How does it have to be a book for children to love reading?

I don't think there is a magic book. I think there is a planting work that will bear fruit in a moment. It depends on each child, each age, each moment. It is important that the book is appropriate for them, their age and their time.

I think that the fundamental thing for children to love reading is not so much the book itself as the moment shared with their parents and the way they do it. If parents live the moment at the same time that they do, if they put themselves at their level, if they feel like a child, if they enjoy it as much as they do, then it is a good book, at least for me it is.

Of course, some books favor more than others that these moments are pleasant for both. For me, illustrations are as important as text, that's why I love illustrated albums. That conjunction of text and images, that reading through the lines and colors, that support the text, enrich it, take it further ... Magical.

What do you expect from an "ideal" Mother's Day?

I am nothing of "Day of" or of ideals. It is enough for me to be one more day with them. But if you have to ask, we ask: that the house is collected, the food made, that there is no pending iron or the ten thousand pending tasks that I have on the agenda ...

And that together we can devote ourselves to do what we truly want, without haste, without times and if instead of lasting 24 hours it lasts 48 or 72 even better, if to top it off it is a warm and sunny beach day even better and if Suddenly I weigh 20 kilos less, it would curl the curl. Ay ay, ay… I start asking and I don't stop, because what is said to wait, I don't expect anything more than to be happy.

We also hope they are and we appreciate that Carmen de La Gallina Pintadita has been so kind to share her answers with everyone. Tomorrow, a new one interview in our Special Moms Bloggers in Babies and more, Don't miss it!

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