Dark circles in children

Dark circles are a problem with which we encounter many adults, especially when accumulating fatigue. But is there anything beyond that can indicate a physical problem? Are dark circles normal in children? What happens to children with dark circles?

Dark circles are defined as more or less livid, perennial or accidental spots around the base of the lower eyelid. They are observed as dark, reddish, bluish, brown or bruised circles. In general this type of coloration is more evident in children with light skin, but they can also be found in children with darker skin.

The causes of dark circles, which may be accompanied by small "bags" or swelling of the area, can be varied, from genetic to pathological. Let's see where those dark circles can come from and if we can do something to make them disappear or not.

Causes of dark circles in children

Dark circles themselves are not a medical problem. Of course, they produce an unsightly effect when seeing the child's face more dull, the sad look and even a sickly appearance if they are very marked. Luckily, they are usually temporary.

But many children have dark circles for constitutional reasons (they simply have them, they are part of their physiognomy). In this it is possible a genetic factor: We may find direct family members with the same characteristics, without implying any disease.

As causes of dark circles by pathological reasons fatigue or insomnia can be cited. If a child has been a busy day (or several), we have made a long trip, or have had bad nights, the area of ​​dark circles may darken.

But nasal congestion is the most frequent cause of color changes in the eye area and as a consequence of the generation of dark circles. This happens because the veins of the eyes communicate with the nasal veins, so if there is nasal congestion, the blood flow in the area slows down resulting in the appearance of dark circles. Since the skin of this area under the eyes is so thin, the veins can easily be seen.

As frequent causes of nasal congestion can be cited colds, adenoid hypertrophy (pathology that reduces the space through which the air, which enters through the nose, passes into the larynx and trachea), sinusitis and especially by respiratory allergy symptoms (allergic rhinitis, asthma).

If there is any eczema near the eyes, or conjunctivitis, the area may become red because the child scratches and irritates the sensitive skin under the eyes.

What to do if a child has dark circles

How General tips for children with dark circles, we can stand out:

  • It should not be thought that having dark circles indicates a poor state of health or sleep problems. Most children will present dark circles one day. If there are other symptoms of decay, loss of appetite ... or the child's behavior changes, the pediatrician should be consulted. But in principle if we only detect those dark circles we can wait for the next day: after a good rest, they may have disappeared.

  • Dark circles do not have a direct treatment, since the use of cosmetics in children is not recommended in order to hide them. Be very careful with the "home remedies" that can be read by tens on the Internet and that could damage the skin or eyes of children. We have already said that dark circles themselves are not a medical problem, but aesthetic. Another thing is that they are a symptom of a health problem.

  • What should be evaluated are the possible causes cited and if any of them are confirmed, they should be treated to avoid the problem that has generated the intensity of dark circles.

  • If dark circles are allergies, we should avoid anything to which the child can be allergic, not smoking in his presence or at home, pets inside the home, feather or carpet pillows ... The pediatrician will determine, if necessary, the appropriate treatment for each case .

  • If there is congestion you can raise the head of the bed to help normal flow of veins during sleep.

Definitely, many children have permanent or sporadic dark circles due to genetic, physiological or pathological factors. If they are caused by tiredness or lack of sleep, the child must be ensured enough rest, and the dark circles will disappear, while his whole body will thank him.

Video: Why the Dark Circles Under Your Child's Eyes (May 2024).