Do you have a baby and work at home? This video will be familiar to you

I have felt so identified! It is as is. If you have a baby and work at home You will know well what I am talking about. One develops a tremendous ability to work with one eye on the computer and the other chasing the baby. You get used to interrupting your work every two minutes and retaking it again after changing the diaper or preventing it from becoming attractive with something that has gotten into your mouth. You play with the baby at the same time as you type and your little explorer ends up falling asleep on your skirts or on the tit, as it is third.

Esther Anderson has portrayed it perfectly in this video that it will be familiar if you work at home with a baby or you try to do something that requires a minimum of concentration. I love her. A few days ago or taught a video of him also very funny of the baby who does not let his mother do housework. Like life itself.

Since I am a mother I work at home and one of the comments I have received most from other mothers in recent years is "I do not know how you do it!", precisely because of situations like this. Of course, it is a very personal choice. I have friends who could not, need to leave home and disconnect for a few hours, and I understand. There are days that working at home with young children can be exhausting.

Like everything, he has his good things and others not so good. But I remember scenes starring my daughters when they were the age of the baby in the video, and I would choose it a thousand times.

I leave a phrase of CS Lewis that I like very much shared by the author of the video:

"Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work."

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In Babies and more | Does the baby who doesn't let her mother do the housework, does it sound like something to you?